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i'm going to stay sober is such a pathetic lie for an addict who never intended to stay that way. we'll always come crawling back drowning the substance in an instant. the weeks we spend without it shall never equate to that warm first sip. yes, the one that cascades down your body and spreads to every part of you. the one where it will explode into bursts of anger that attack your insides. i can tell you that those weeks without it can not compare to that blissful feeling."i will stay sober" is a promise filled with emptiness and no value.


i'm going to stay sober is such a pathetic lie for an addict who never intended to stay that way. we'll always come crawling back drowning the substance in an instant. the weeks we spend without it shall never equate to that warm first sip. yes, the one that cascades down your body and spreads to every part of you. the one where it will explode into bursts of anger that attack your insides. i can tell you that those weeks without it can not compare to that blissful feeling."i will stay sober" is a promise filled with emptiness and no value.


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