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我哋嘅反共戰友 - 澳洲嘅Drew Pavlou,佢喺2019-2020年期間就曾經因支持香港民主運動而差啲被University of Queensland移取學籍。早前亦於溫布頓網球公開賽聲援彭帥而被當地當作「恐怖份子」去處理。Drew兩日前原本約咗我哋Athena's Army攞港獨旗為之後嘅活動所用,但其後Drew卻因為獨自一人於倫敦中國大使館抗爭而被捕,CCP將佢交給英國警方時稱佢為炸彈襲擊嘅恐怖份子,而家Drew好有可能面對七年徒刑!!!

希望大家能夠支援Drew,唔好令Guildford Four嘅悲劇再度發生。

From Drew:
please tell everyone. I just got out of british prison cell after 23 hours. They held me incommunicado, they wouldnt let me tell anyone where i was - i went to chinese embassy to hold a taiwan flag and the Chinese embassy reported me as a bomb threat. the chinese embassy produced a fake email saying ''this is drew pavlou today i will bomb the chinese embassy for the uyghurs.'' police treated me like terrorist, cuffed me behind my back painfully for 3 hours. its nuts they took my phone they said i cant leasve the country. they only got me in contact with lawyer after 20 hours. they monitored the call and kept it to 4 minutes

我哋嘅反共戰友 - 澳洲嘅Drew Pavlou,佢喺2019-2020年期間就曾經因支持香港民主運動而差啲被University of Queensland移取學籍。早前亦於溫布頓網球公開賽聲援彭帥而被當地當作「恐怖份子」去處理。Drew兩日前原本約咗我哋Athena's Army攞港獨旗為之後嘅活動所用,但其後Drew卻因為獨自一人於倫敦中國大使館抗爭而被捕,CCP將佢交給英國警方時稱佢為炸彈襲擊嘅恐怖份子,而家Drew好有可能面對七年徒刑!!!

希望大家能夠支援Drew,唔好令Guildford Four嘅悲劇再度發生。

From Drew:
please tell everyone. I just got out of british prison cell after 23 hours. They held me incommunicado, they wouldnt let me tell anyone where i was - i went to chinese embassy to hold a taiwan flag and the Chinese embassy reported me as a bomb threat. the chinese embassy produced a fake email saying ''this is drew pavlou today i will bomb the chinese embassy for the uyghurs.'' police treated me like terrorist, cuffed me behind my back painfully for 3 hours. its nuts they took my phone they said i cant leasve the country. they only got me in contact with lawyer after 20 hours. they monitored the call and kept it to 4 minutes

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