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Under exam condition

Pay close attention to how I categorized different export sectors in an overview. This is what you are advised to do to get higher for CC as this will allow you to go further in detail in the following body paragraphs stating the exact names of each category.

Precious stones = jems and jewellery
Industrial products = petroleum products + engineered goods

⚡️ @aplusacademyielts ⚡️

Bar Chart and Table Export earnings.docx
12.8 KB

Under exam condition

Pay close attention to how I categorized different export sectors in an overview. This is what you are advised to do to get higher for CC as this will allow you to go further in detail in the following body paragraphs stating the exact names of each category.

Precious stones = jems and jewellery
Industrial products = petroleum products + engineered goods

⚡️ @aplusacademyielts ⚡️

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