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HAVE_ONE'S_HEAD_IN_CLOUDS [hæv wʌnz hɛd ɪn klaʊdz] - витать в облаках; быть рассеянным / to not know what is really happening around you because you are paying too much attention to your own ideas.

📝 The boy has his head in the clouds and doesn't think about what is going on around him. Мальчик постоянно витает в облаках и не думает о том, что происходит вокруг него.

HAVE_ONE'S_HEAD_IN_CLOUDS [hæv wʌnz hɛd ɪn klaʊdz] - витать в облаках; быть рассеянным / to not know what is really happening around you because you are paying too much attention to your own ideas.

📝 The boy has his head in the clouds and doesn't think about what is going on around him. Мальчик постоянно витает в облаках и не думает о том, что происходит вокруг него.

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All English Idioms | Английский в идиомах

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