TG Telegram Group & Channel
Air Jordan | United States America (US)
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Note: The contract is valid for 90 days. After expiration, the principal will be withdrawn and you can unlock the VIP level to obtain more benefits.

2. Use your invitation code to register and top up to get top-up rewards.

Level A stored value: 100 USDT, reward: 8 USDT = 8% rebate

Level B stored value: 100 USDT, reward: 2 USDT = 2% rebate

C-level stored value: 100 USDT, reward: 1 USDT = 1% rebate
Customer service link:

Note: The contract is valid for 90 days. After expiration, the principal will be withdrawn and you can unlock the VIP level to obtain more benefits.

2. Use your invitation code to register and top up to get top-up rewards.

Level A stored value: 100 USDT, reward: 8 USDT = 8% rebate

Level B stored value: 100 USDT, reward: 2 USDT = 2% rebate

C-level stored value: 100 USDT, reward: 1 USDT = 1% rebate
Customer service link:

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Air Jordan

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United States America Popular Telegram Group (US)