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⛳️ The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 25-01-2024


Meaning: The existing state of affairs; the current condition or situation, especially regarding social, political, or economic issues.

Synonym: Current state, existing conditions, the way things are

Antonym: Change, transformation, upheaval

Sentence: The committee decided to maintain the status quo until further discussions could be held.


Meaning: A place of residence or habitation; a house, apartment, or other place where someone lives.

Synonym: Residence, abode, home

Antonym: Vacancy, emptiness, uninhabited

Sentence: The cozy dwelling nestled in the countryside provided a peaceful retreat.


Meaning: To continue firmly or obstinately in an opinion, course of action, or belief despite opposition, difficulty, or unfavorable conditions.

Synonym: Continue, endure, persevere

Antonym: Cease, give up, surrender

Sentence: Despite facing numerous challenges, she decided to persist in pursuing her dream.


Meaning: a formal written order issued by a court, typically instructing a specific action or the enforcement of a right.

Synonym: Legal order, court order, summons

Antonym: Dismissal, withdrawal

Sentence: The judge issued a writ of habeas corpus to secure the prisoner's appearance in court.


Meaning: To become more friendly or relaxed after a period of tension or hostility.

Synonym: Melt, dissolve, unfreeze

Antonym: Freeze, solidify

Sentence: The sun's warmth helped thaw the frozen river.

The thaw in diplomatic relations allowed for constructive dialogue.

6. PERVASIVE (Adjective)

Meaning: Spread throughout and perceived in every part or aspect; existing or present everywhere.

Synonym: Ubiquitous, widespread, prevalent

Antonym: Limited, rare, confined

Sentence: The pervasive influence of technology is evident in every aspect of modern life.


Meaning: A person displaying excessive or prejudiced loyalty or support for a particular group, cause, or gender, often with a belief in the superiority of one's own group.

Synonym: Jingoist, bigot, extremist

Antonym: Egalitarian, unbiased, fair-minded

Sentence: Her chauvinistic views limited her ability to see the contributions of diverse perspectives.


Meaning: The state or condition of being predominant, having superiority, influence, or control.

Synonym: Dominance, superiority, preeminence

Antonym: Subordination, inferiority, insignificance

Sentence: The team's predominance in the league was evident from their consistent victories.


Meaning: To spoil, impair, or corrupt the quality or efficiency of something.

Synonym: Taint, corrupt, undermine

Antonym: Enhance, strengthen, improve

Sentence: The addition of impurities will vitiate the quality of the water.

10. INSURGENT (Adjective)

Meaning: Rising in active revolt against an established authority or government; rebellious.

Synonym: Rebellious, revolutionary, mutinous

Antonym: Loyal, obedient, compliant

Sentence: The insurgent group carried out attacks against government forces.

⛳️ The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 25-01-2024


Meaning: The existing state of affairs; the current condition or situation, especially regarding social, political, or economic issues.

Synonym: Current state, existing conditions, the way things are

Antonym: Change, transformation, upheaval

Sentence: The committee decided to maintain the status quo until further discussions could be held.


Meaning: A place of residence or habitation; a house, apartment, or other place where someone lives.

Synonym: Residence, abode, home

Antonym: Vacancy, emptiness, uninhabited

Sentence: The cozy dwelling nestled in the countryside provided a peaceful retreat.


Meaning: To continue firmly or obstinately in an opinion, course of action, or belief despite opposition, difficulty, or unfavorable conditions.

Synonym: Continue, endure, persevere

Antonym: Cease, give up, surrender

Sentence: Despite facing numerous challenges, she decided to persist in pursuing her dream.


Meaning: a formal written order issued by a court, typically instructing a specific action or the enforcement of a right.

Synonym: Legal order, court order, summons

Antonym: Dismissal, withdrawal

Sentence: The judge issued a writ of habeas corpus to secure the prisoner's appearance in court.


Meaning: To become more friendly or relaxed after a period of tension or hostility.

Synonym: Melt, dissolve, unfreeze

Antonym: Freeze, solidify

Sentence: The sun's warmth helped thaw the frozen river.

The thaw in diplomatic relations allowed for constructive dialogue.

6. PERVASIVE (Adjective)

Meaning: Spread throughout and perceived in every part or aspect; existing or present everywhere.

Synonym: Ubiquitous, widespread, prevalent

Antonym: Limited, rare, confined

Sentence: The pervasive influence of technology is evident in every aspect of modern life.


Meaning: A person displaying excessive or prejudiced loyalty or support for a particular group, cause, or gender, often with a belief in the superiority of one's own group.

Synonym: Jingoist, bigot, extremist

Antonym: Egalitarian, unbiased, fair-minded

Sentence: Her chauvinistic views limited her ability to see the contributions of diverse perspectives.


Meaning: The state or condition of being predominant, having superiority, influence, or control.

Synonym: Dominance, superiority, preeminence

Antonym: Subordination, inferiority, insignificance

Sentence: The team's predominance in the league was evident from their consistent victories.


Meaning: To spoil, impair, or corrupt the quality or efficiency of something.

Synonym: Taint, corrupt, undermine

Antonym: Enhance, strengthen, improve

Sentence: The addition of impurities will vitiate the quality of the water.

10. INSURGENT (Adjective)

Meaning: Rising in active revolt against an established authority or government; rebellious.

Synonym: Rebellious, revolutionary, mutinous

Antonym: Loyal, obedient, compliant

Sentence: The insurgent group carried out attacks against government forces.

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