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WELCOMETRX.COM common problem
1. Is the mining basic wallet calculated based on a single recharge or a total recharge?
Answer: It is calculated based on the total recharge of the account.
2. If I introduce a friend to join, do I get his first recharge rebate or every transaction?
Answer: The member you introduce can get a 10% rebate for every investment he makes.
3. Why is there always only so much money that can be withdrawn every day?
Answer: The money that can be withdrawn every day is calculated based on the total recharge amount. The more money you invest in recharge, the more money you can withdraw every day. For details, see the withdrawal ratio sent in the group or ask customer service.
4. Is it impossible to get back the money invested in the mining basic wallet?
Answer: It can be retrieved. When the cryptocurrency cannot be mined, the company will return the deposits of all members and cancel the investment contract. Of course, the mining can also continue for a long time.

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WELCOMETRX.COM common problem
1. Is the mining basic wallet calculated based on a single recharge or a total recharge?
Answer: It is calculated based on the total recharge of the account.
2. If I introduce a friend to join, do I get his first recharge rebate or every transaction?
Answer: The member you introduce can get a 10% rebate for every investment he makes.
3. Why is there always only so much money that can be withdrawn every day?
Answer: The money that can be withdrawn every day is calculated based on the total recharge amount. The more money you invest in recharge, the more money you can withdraw every day. For details, see the withdrawal ratio sent in the group or ask customer service.
4. Is it impossible to get back the money invested in the mining basic wallet?
Answer: It can be retrieved. When the cryptocurrency cannot be mined, the company will return the deposits of all members and cancel the investment contract. Of course, the mining can also continue for a long time.

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