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A week today!

Exit The WHO!

Glasgow Rally
Saturday 13th April
George Square

Followed by:

Edinburgh Rally (Speaker Event)
Saturday 28th April

Edinburgh WWD
Saturday 25th May

If our government don't opt out of the WHO pandemic treaty then this corrupt unelected entity will have the powers to:

1. Declare a "pandemic".
2. Lock us down.
3. Close businesses.
4. Bring back mask mandates.
5. Mandate vaccines and/or vaccine passports.
6. Vaccinate children without parental consent.
7. ANY other measures they
deem fit to mitigate a "pandemic".

So please get the dates in your diary and be there if you can!

And before the complainers saying rallies don't do anything come out of the woodwork (always right before a rally), then instead of bringing negativity, please offer alternative ideas and if people like them they'll get on board. Both Glasgow and Edinburgh Outreaches are and already have been raising awareness on the WHO treaty. It doesn't have to be one thing or another.

Hopefully see you all on Saturday!

A week today!

Exit The WHO!

Glasgow Rally
Saturday 13th April
George Square

Followed by:

Edinburgh Rally (Speaker Event)
Saturday 28th April

Edinburgh WWD
Saturday 25th May

If our government don't opt out of the WHO pandemic treaty then this corrupt unelected entity will have the powers to:

1. Declare a "pandemic".
2. Lock us down.
3. Close businesses.
4. Bring back mask mandates.
5. Mandate vaccines and/or vaccine passports.
6. Vaccinate children without parental consent.
7. ANY other measures they
deem fit to mitigate a "pandemic".

So please get the dates in your diary and be there if you can!

And before the complainers saying rallies don't do anything come out of the woodwork (always right before a rally), then instead of bringing negativity, please offer alternative ideas and if people like them they'll get on board. Both Glasgow and Edinburgh Outreaches are and already have been raising awareness on the WHO treaty. It doesn't have to be one thing or another.

Hopefully see you all on Saturday!

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