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Save Our Scotland - 🆘 - Announcement Channel 🏴 🏴 | United States America (US)
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We've hit Aberdeen, Edinburgh, and Glasgow on our anti-LEZ tour. Last but not least (for the time being at least) Dundee! Let's get some big numbers along on 23rd March to wake the city up to LEZ (before it comes into force in 30th May) as well as the bigger agenda!

We've hit Aberdeen, Edinburgh, and Glasgow on our anti-LEZ tour. Last but not least (for the time being at least) Dundee! Let's get some big numbers along on 23rd March to wake the city up to LEZ (before it comes into force in 30th May) as well as the bigger agenda!

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Save Our Scotland - 🆘 - Announcement Channel 🏴 🏴

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