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Save Our Scotland - 🆘 - Announcement Channel 🏴 🏴 | United States America (US)
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Hi folks. We had a rally planned for this Saturday in Glasgow. We haven’t promoted it much as we’ve been gauging the situation. There’s been a bit of rally fatigue as of late which has had an impact on numbers and having spoken with other groups we’ve decided to cancel the event and focus on Dundee on 23rd April and WWD in Glasgow on 21st May. Our intention is to keep them spread out more going forward to hopefully rebuild the numbers that have been affected by the amount of rallies lately (among other factors).

In place of the rally on Saturday (weather permitting) we’ve decided to arrange an afternoon in the park (Queens Park or Kelvingrove - poll to follow). If you can bring along picnic items, speakers, etc and let’s make it a fun day for all the family as well as an opportunity for people to connect 😊

Hope to see you all on Saturday but more importantly at the next two rallies. We need to keep going but it’s important we have maximum possible numbers every time. Thank you for your support ❤️

Hi folks. We had a rally planned for this Saturday in Glasgow. We haven’t promoted it much as we’ve been gauging the situation. There’s been a bit of rally fatigue as of late which has had an impact on numbers and having spoken with other groups we’ve decided to cancel the event and focus on Dundee on 23rd April and WWD in Glasgow on 21st May. Our intention is to keep them spread out more going forward to hopefully rebuild the numbers that have been affected by the amount of rallies lately (among other factors).

In place of the rally on Saturday (weather permitting) we’ve decided to arrange an afternoon in the park (Queens Park or Kelvingrove - poll to follow). If you can bring along picnic items, speakers, etc and let’s make it a fun day for all the family as well as an opportunity for people to connect 😊

Hope to see you all on Saturday but more importantly at the next two rallies. We need to keep going but it’s important we have maximum possible numbers every time. Thank you for your support ❤️

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Save Our Scotland - 🆘 - Announcement Channel 🏴 🏴

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