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Save Our Scotland - 🆘 - Announcement Channel 🏴 🏴 | United States America (US)
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Huge thank you to everyone who joined us in Glasgow yesterday!
We were heard and we continue to stand against Tyranny.

In the last 4 weeks, Police Scotland have chosen to arrest 12 people at two different rallies across Scotland.
For what?
For exercising our human rights Article: 11 - the freedom of assembly and our right to protest?
For having a view that is opposing of the dictatorship our country has become?

For absolute clarity these rallies - One of which had police “approval” one did not… this is not about permission.. this is not about whether THEY will allow us.. this is our dutiful human right, to stand for our medical freedom, our freedom of choice and to allow the next generation to live without fear.

In the past year we have thanked Police Scotland for their support and peaceful attendance - so why the change…Because we are a threat to Sturgeon?

If you’ve seen the footage and you question whether you will attend protests… ask yourself what are you standing for?

The right to live freely
Or the right to live free only upon permission

We will not stop, we will not hide, we will continue to peacefully protest until we are heard.

See you all Saturday 19th March - Edinburgh

Huge thank you to everyone who joined us in Glasgow yesterday!
We were heard and we continue to stand against Tyranny.

In the last 4 weeks, Police Scotland have chosen to arrest 12 people at two different rallies across Scotland.
For what?
For exercising our human rights Article: 11 - the freedom of assembly and our right to protest?
For having a view that is opposing of the dictatorship our country has become?

For absolute clarity these rallies - One of which had police “approval” one did not… this is not about permission.. this is not about whether THEY will allow us.. this is our dutiful human right, to stand for our medical freedom, our freedom of choice and to allow the next generation to live without fear.

In the past year we have thanked Police Scotland for their support and peaceful attendance - so why the change…Because we are a threat to Sturgeon?

If you’ve seen the footage and you question whether you will attend protests… ask yourself what are you standing for?

The right to live freely
Or the right to live free only upon permission

We will not stop, we will not hide, we will continue to peacefully protest until we are heard.

See you all Saturday 19th March - Edinburgh

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Save Our Scotland - 🆘 - Announcement Channel 🏴 🏴

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