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Nick Griffin | United States America (US)
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Here's some news regarding the 'generational war' between the twenty-somethings and established nationalists: You say that 'we're going to die soon.' But you haven't lived long enough to see how many young people die before they get past their youth. Likewise, you ask for us to entertain all of your ideas when you won't commit to our party or politics. You demand a right to stand outside our organisation and still believe you should, without supporting us, determine how we calibrate ourselves — to YOUR immature views about what we've fought, struggled, and worked hard to learn and teach.
You say that a "logo" matters so much to the younger generation, but the actual politics mean nothing. You dismiss anyone older than you without acquainting yourself with their work and learning about what they've sacrificed in the struggle. They're old and dead. But what happens when you age, which will happen so fast? If you are fighting for a "tradition", why do you despise those who know that tradition, and whose lives were shaped by it?
You say that unless we agree with you WE are killing the future of the movement, but there'd be no movement if it wasn't for us.
Have you considered, for just a moment, that YOU are the ones educated by a system that betrays us? We weren't. Therefore, you may just possibly retain the residue of what that system requires of you, a total rejection of established standards.
We know the importance of the youth. But why is that they believe they can crop up out of nowhere and order us to kick the can? Do they not understand the imbalance of their rationale?
They see us as "types" without knowing what we've seen and done. They couldn't be more like what they supposedly oppose.
We want, and need, young blood. But you can't be born yesterday and think you have the right to teach us. You haven't had a life yet — you haven't been blooded, tested and tried. The Internet ain't nothing. Just a friendly word from people who care.
Because you will be the ones confronted with this problem soon enough, how much grace will you have when the time comes?
Remember, we survived, will you, with your attitude? When everything old holds the key to allowing things to be new...

Forwarded from Australia First Party

Here's some news regarding the 'generational war' between the twenty-somethings and established nationalists: You say that 'we're going to die soon.' But you haven't lived long enough to see how many young people die before they get past their youth. Likewise, you ask for us to entertain all of your ideas when you won't commit to our party or politics. You demand a right to stand outside our organisation and still believe you should, without supporting us, determine how we calibrate ourselves — to YOUR immature views about what we've fought, struggled, and worked hard to learn and teach.
You say that a "logo" matters so much to the younger generation, but the actual politics mean nothing. You dismiss anyone older than you without acquainting yourself with their work and learning about what they've sacrificed in the struggle. They're old and dead. But what happens when you age, which will happen so fast? If you are fighting for a "tradition", why do you despise those who know that tradition, and whose lives were shaped by it?
You say that unless we agree with you WE are killing the future of the movement, but there'd be no movement if it wasn't for us.
Have you considered, for just a moment, that YOU are the ones educated by a system that betrays us? We weren't. Therefore, you may just possibly retain the residue of what that system requires of you, a total rejection of established standards.
We know the importance of the youth. But why is that they believe they can crop up out of nowhere and order us to kick the can? Do they not understand the imbalance of their rationale?
They see us as "types" without knowing what we've seen and done. They couldn't be more like what they supposedly oppose.
We want, and need, young blood. But you can't be born yesterday and think you have the right to teach us. You haven't had a life yet — you haven't been blooded, tested and tried. The Internet ain't nothing. Just a friendly word from people who care.
Because you will be the ones confronted with this problem soon enough, how much grace will you have when the time comes?
Remember, we survived, will you, with your attitude? When everything old holds the key to allowing things to be new...

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Nick Griffin

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