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📊 What Is Momentum Trading? 📊
Momentum trading is the practice of buying and selling assets according to the recent strength of price trends. It is based on the idea that if there is enough force behind a price move, it will continue to move in the same direction.

When an asset reaches a higher price, it usually attracts more attention from traders and investors, which pushes the market price even higher. This continues until a large number of sellers enter the market – for example, when an unforeseen event causes them to rethink the asset’s price. Once enough sellers are in the market, the momentum changes direction and will force an asset’s price lower
📉 @Market_Share 📈

📊 What Is Momentum Trading? 📊
Momentum trading is the practice of buying and selling assets according to the recent strength of price trends. It is based on the idea that if there is enough force behind a price move, it will continue to move in the same direction.

When an asset reaches a higher price, it usually attracts more attention from traders and investors, which pushes the market price even higher. This continues until a large number of sellers enter the market – for example, when an unforeseen event causes them to rethink the asset’s price. Once enough sellers are in the market, the momentum changes direction and will force an asset’s price lower
📉 @Market_Share 📈

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