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Create: Update:

MadelineProto was updated (8.0.0-beta195)!

This release extracts MadelineProto's async ORM into a separate library, danog/AsyncOrm: a PHP async ORM based on AMPHP v3 and fibers!

danog/AsyncOrm supports MySQL, Redis, Postgres; features read and write-back caching, type-specific optimizations, and much more!

Among other news, the danog/tg-file-decoder library was also updated&modernized.

Also, the downloadRenameBot.php was updated to support downloading videos directly from YouTube (without using the disk!), here's the new repo:

Breaking changes:
- Raise the minimum PHP version to 8.2.17.
- Move all ORM classes to the danog\AsyncOrm namespace
- Remove support for definition of ORM properties using $dbProperties, the new OrmMappedArray attribute should be used instead, see the new docs for more info and examples!
- Modernized and updated danog/tg-file-decoder, switching to enums and readonly properties.
- Use bot API IDs in all constructors returned by MadelineProto.
- Finalize all methods in the event handler.
- Enable strict static analysis for EventHandler.
- Removed the JSON and STRING serializer types from the ORM settings, the correct serializer will now be chosen based on the type of the value specified in OrmKeyedArray.
- Postgres/Redis MadelineProto instances need a manual database migration before upgrading (first updateSettings to the Memory backend, then upgrade, then updateSettings to Postgres/Redis); MySQL and Memory instances will be migrated automatically, no need to do anything.

- Update to layer 177, see here for the full layer changelog!
- Add support for the stable versions of amphp/mysql, amphp/postgres through!

- Fix Message::read!
- Multiple other bugfixes and performance improvements!

MadelineProto was updated (8.0.0-beta195)!

This release extracts MadelineProto's async ORM into a separate library, danog/AsyncOrm: a PHP async ORM based on AMPHP v3 and fibers!

danog/AsyncOrm supports MySQL, Redis, Postgres; features read and write-back caching, type-specific optimizations, and much more!

Among other news, the danog/tg-file-decoder library was also updated&modernized.

Also, the downloadRenameBot.php was updated to support downloading videos directly from YouTube (without using the disk!), here's the new repo:

Breaking changes:
- Raise the minimum PHP version to 8.2.17.
- Move all ORM classes to the danog\AsyncOrm namespace
- Remove support for definition of ORM properties using $dbProperties, the new OrmMappedArray attribute should be used instead, see the new docs for more info and examples!
- Modernized and updated danog/tg-file-decoder, switching to enums and readonly properties.
- Use bot API IDs in all constructors returned by MadelineProto.
- Finalize all methods in the event handler.
- Enable strict static analysis for EventHandler.
- Removed the JSON and STRING serializer types from the ORM settings, the correct serializer will now be chosen based on the type of the value specified in OrmKeyedArray.
- Postgres/Redis MadelineProto instances need a manual database migration before upgrading (first updateSettings to the Memory backend, then upgrade, then updateSettings to Postgres/Redis); MySQL and Memory instances will be migrated automatically, no need to do anything.

- Update to layer 177, see here for the full layer changelog!
- Add support for the stable versions of amphp/mysql, amphp/postgres through!

- Fix Message::read!
- Multiple other bugfixes and performance improvements!

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