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مترادفهای کلمه decide را ببینید:


🔹make up your mind
to decide something, especially after thinking about it for a long time. Make up your mind is less formal than decide and is mainly used in spoken English:
Have you made up your mind about where you’ll go on holiday?

🔹choose to do sth
to decide to do something – especially when this is different from what people expect or tell you to do:
She chose to ignore my advice. 
More young couples are choosing not to marry.

🔹make a decision
to decide after thinking carefully about something, especially about something that is very important:
They made a decision not to have children.

🔹resolve (formal)
to decide that you will definitely do something, especially because you think it will be better for you, or because of your past experiences:
She resolved to work hard at school.

🔹determine (formal)
to officially decide what something shall be:
Each hospital can determine its own pay rates.

🔹come down in favour of sth 
to decide to support a particular plan, argument etc – used especially about groups of people:
Eight of the ten committee members came down in favour of the changes.

🔹come to/reach a decision
to officially decide about something important after discussing and carefully considering it – used especially about groups of people:
After two hours of discussion, the committee had still not come to a decision on any of the proposals.


مترادفهای کلمه decide را ببینید:


🔹make up your mind
to decide something, especially after thinking about it for a long time. Make up your mind is less formal than decide and is mainly used in spoken English:
Have you made up your mind about where you’ll go on holiday?

🔹choose to do sth
to decide to do something – especially when this is different from what people expect or tell you to do:
She chose to ignore my advice. 
More young couples are choosing not to marry.

🔹make a decision
to decide after thinking carefully about something, especially about something that is very important:
They made a decision not to have children.

🔹resolve (formal)
to decide that you will definitely do something, especially because you think it will be better for you, or because of your past experiences:
She resolved to work hard at school.

🔹determine (formal)
to officially decide what something shall be:
Each hospital can determine its own pay rates.

🔹come down in favour of sth 
to decide to support a particular plan, argument etc – used especially about groups of people:
Eight of the ten committee members came down in favour of the changes.

🔹come to/reach a decision
to officially decide about something important after discussing and carefully considering it – used especially about groups of people:
After two hours of discussion, the committee had still not come to a decision on any of the proposals.

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