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Whispers in the night

In the quiet of night, under star's gentle shine,
I lay in my bed, with thoughts so benign.
envelop me, in a love so fine,
Sleeping at night, thinking that you are mine.

Your presence lingers, in every breath I take,
In the soft whispers of the breeze, and the gentle lake.
With you in my heart, no sorrow I forsake,
In dreams, in reality, our love does partake.

As the world fades away, and the darkness entwine,
In the realm of dreams, you are forever mine.
Wrapped in your love, like a sacred shrine,
Sleeping at night, in your embrace, I recline.

Through the passage of time, our love shall entwine,
In every sleepless night, and in dreams so divine.
For in the depths of my soul, you eternally shine,
Sleeping at night, thinking that you are

💕 @InsideDeepQuote

Whispers in the night

In the quiet of night, under star's gentle shine,
I lay in my bed, with thoughts so benign.
envelop me, in a love so fine,
Sleeping at night, thinking that you are mine.

Your presence lingers, in every breath I take,
In the soft whispers of the breeze, and the gentle lake.
With you in my heart, no sorrow I forsake,
In dreams, in reality, our love does partake.

As the world fades away, and the darkness entwine,
In the realm of dreams, you are forever mine.
Wrapped in your love, like a sacred shrine,
Sleeping at night, in your embrace, I recline.

Through the passage of time, our love shall entwine,
In every sleepless night, and in dreams so divine.
For in the depths of my soul, you eternally shine,
Sleeping at night, thinking that you are

💕 @InsideDeepQuote
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