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✞ Dr C 17 ✞ | United States America (US)
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Imagine this scenario:

If you had an injury to your hand and then you put a tourniquet around your arm and never took it off - what treatment, therapy, nutrient, drug, surgery, etc would work to heal your hand until you took the tourniquet off ?

None would work and your hand would actually progressively get worse.

Now imagine that same scenario, but instead of your hand being injured it’s your brain , and instead of the tourniquet on your arm, it’s around your brainstem and neural tube at the base of your skull , kinking off cerebrospinal fluid (circulatory system of your central nervous system encased inside your meninges).

This is the case for all people with the following “conditions”:
1. Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)
2. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)
3. Chiari Malformation Type 1 and 2

And what if it trapped metabolic waste and heavy metals inside your brain, unable to be filtered and cleaned out bc the CSF flow was altered, blocked, or stagnant?
This is the case for:
1. Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
2. Alzheimer’s
3. Dementia

And what if the nutrients to rebuild and grow new nerve tissue in the CNS then couldn’t be transported bc the CSF flow was altered, blocked, or stagnant?
This is the case for:
1. All neurodegenerative dis-ease processes

And what if neurotransmitters and neuroendocrine hormones that travel in CSF couldn’t be adequately transported or maintained inside the CNS?
This is the case for:
1. Depression
2. Anxiety
3. Parkinson’s
4. Essential Tremors
5. Schizophrenia
6. A multitude of mental health and cognition disorders
7. Insomnia
8. Hormone dysfunction
9. Thyroid, adrenal, reproductive organs, immune system, and kidney dysfunction

And what if your cranial nerves that control all vital functions and organ systems in the body sit directly in that space are directly compressed and squeezed off?

And since every nerve in your entire body also goes through this space like the main power conduit before it enters your brain to maintain constant communication in and out, and regulation for every cell and tissue in the body, including function, operational control, healing, and homeostasis for all things in the body - what happens if you directly squeeze off those nerves?
This is the case for:
1. Too many dis-ease processes to name

What therapy, treatment, surgery, drug, or nutrient is going to correct these problems until you take the tourniquet off ?

What if there is more than 1 tourniquet around this area ?

What if I told you that there is a lock on each tourniquet and to unlock it, like a locksmith, you have to figure out its unique combination (1 out of 108 possible combinations) in order to take the tourniquet off ?

What if I told you that it was recently discovered how to precisely and accurately find each combination to unlock the locks and remove the tourniquets, unlike ever before?

What if I told you that there are a finite number of tourniquets and once all removed you can restore ALL of it and your body will simply heal itself - like it was designed to ?

What if I told you that this process has never once failed to unlock the locks to remove all tourniquets - batting 1.000?

What if I told you there are currently 4 people in the world who know how to do this - and I’m personally one of them?

What if I told you this process saved my life and restored my health, as well for countless others already?

Not even kidding a little bit.

If you want more information and to have this done for you - read inside this substack

Imagine this scenario:

If you had an injury to your hand and then you put a tourniquet around your arm and never took it off - what treatment, therapy, nutrient, drug, surgery, etc would work to heal your hand until you took the tourniquet off ?

None would work and your hand would actually progressively get worse.

Now imagine that same scenario, but instead of your hand being injured it’s your brain , and instead of the tourniquet on your arm, it’s around your brainstem and neural tube at the base of your skull , kinking off cerebrospinal fluid (circulatory system of your central nervous system encased inside your meninges).

This is the case for all people with the following “conditions”:
1. Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)
2. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)
3. Chiari Malformation Type 1 and 2

And what if it trapped metabolic waste and heavy metals inside your brain, unable to be filtered and cleaned out bc the CSF flow was altered, blocked, or stagnant?
This is the case for:
1. Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
2. Alzheimer’s
3. Dementia

And what if the nutrients to rebuild and grow new nerve tissue in the CNS then couldn’t be transported bc the CSF flow was altered, blocked, or stagnant?
This is the case for:
1. All neurodegenerative dis-ease processes

And what if neurotransmitters and neuroendocrine hormones that travel in CSF couldn’t be adequately transported or maintained inside the CNS?
This is the case for:
1. Depression
2. Anxiety
3. Parkinson’s
4. Essential Tremors
5. Schizophrenia
6. A multitude of mental health and cognition disorders
7. Insomnia
8. Hormone dysfunction
9. Thyroid, adrenal, reproductive organs, immune system, and kidney dysfunction

And what if your cranial nerves that control all vital functions and organ systems in the body sit directly in that space are directly compressed and squeezed off?

And since every nerve in your entire body also goes through this space like the main power conduit before it enters your brain to maintain constant communication in and out, and regulation for every cell and tissue in the body, including function, operational control, healing, and homeostasis for all things in the body - what happens if you directly squeeze off those nerves?
This is the case for:
1. Too many dis-ease processes to name

What therapy, treatment, surgery, drug, or nutrient is going to correct these problems until you take the tourniquet off ?

What if there is more than 1 tourniquet around this area ?

What if I told you that there is a lock on each tourniquet and to unlock it, like a locksmith, you have to figure out its unique combination (1 out of 108 possible combinations) in order to take the tourniquet off ?

What if I told you that it was recently discovered how to precisely and accurately find each combination to unlock the locks and remove the tourniquets, unlike ever before?

What if I told you that there are a finite number of tourniquets and once all removed you can restore ALL of it and your body will simply heal itself - like it was designed to ?

What if I told you that this process has never once failed to unlock the locks to remove all tourniquets - batting 1.000?

What if I told you there are currently 4 people in the world who know how to do this - and I’m personally one of them?

What if I told you this process saved my life and restored my health, as well for countless others already?

Not even kidding a little bit.

If you want more information and to have this done for you - read inside this substack

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✞ Dr C 17 ✞

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