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​​#Speaking Part 3

Вопросы по типу How important/ How efficient /How useful в Speaking требуют оценки важности (эффективности, полезности и т.д). Естественно, ответить можно по-разному и одного правильного ответа не существует. Давайте рассмотрим возможный ответ на простых примерах.
👉Начинать всегда следует с прямого ответа, достаточно сказать:
It’s extremely/quite/not that important.
It matters a lot.
It doesn’t really matter.
This makes a big difference.
In fact, they’re quite useful/practical/effective.

👉Далее можно сказать, что существуют причины нашей оценки и коротко их упомянуть. Для объяснения неплохо употребить Conditional 1 (критерий Grammatical Range).

How important is it to learn about other people’s cultures?
Well, I believe it’s quite important. There are at least a couple of reasons why we should learn about different cultures. Firstly, because these days our world has become a kind of a global village, and many companies are expanding their business abroad. If these companies want to succeed, they should definitely know cultural differences. I also think many people go abroad for extended periods of time to study or live. If they plan to adapt to new countries, they have to learn some cultural aspects and local traditions of the new county.

How important do you think to have three meals a day?
Well, I believe it matters a lot. There are several valid reasons why we should eat regularly. To begin with, this habit helps us keep focused and less irritable. In fact, three meals a day provide our bodies with the essential energy for the whole day. Additionally, I think spreading meals throughout the day also helps with efficient digestion. For example, if you skip breakfast, you can eat too much during lunch, which is not that good for your health.

👩🏼‍🏫Now it’s your turn. How effectively do you think robots can perform household chores?

​​#Speaking Part 3

Вопросы по типу How important/ How efficient /How useful в Speaking требуют оценки важности (эффективности, полезности и т.д). Естественно, ответить можно по-разному и одного правильного ответа не существует. Давайте рассмотрим возможный ответ на простых примерах.
👉Начинать всегда следует с прямого ответа, достаточно сказать:
It’s extremely/quite/not that important.
It matters a lot.
It doesn’t really matter.
This makes a big difference.
In fact, they’re quite useful/practical/effective.

👉Далее можно сказать, что существуют причины нашей оценки и коротко их упомянуть. Для объяснения неплохо употребить Conditional 1 (критерий Grammatical Range).

How important is it to learn about other people’s cultures?
Well, I believe it’s quite important. There are at least a couple of reasons why we should learn about different cultures. Firstly, because these days our world has become a kind of a global village, and many companies are expanding their business abroad. If these companies want to succeed, they should definitely know cultural differences. I also think many people go abroad for extended periods of time to study or live. If they plan to adapt to new countries, they have to learn some cultural aspects and local traditions of the new county.

How important do you think to have three meals a day?
Well, I believe it matters a lot. There are several valid reasons why we should eat regularly. To begin with, this habit helps us keep focused and less irritable. In fact, three meals a day provide our bodies with the essential energy for the whole day. Additionally, I think spreading meals throughout the day also helps with efficient digestion. For example, if you skip breakfast, you can eat too much during lunch, which is not that good for your health.

👩🏼‍🏫Now it’s your turn. How effectively do you think robots can perform household chores?

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