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Grammar C1 | C2 @IELTS_8

⭐️ Inversion Part 1

This involves using question word order after an adverbial with a negative or restrictive meaning comes at the beginning of the sentence. These structures are normally only used in formal speech and writing. Note that all of these adverbials can be used without inversion if they come in the normal position.


I have never seen a more obvious case of cheating! (normal position)

Never have I seen a more obvious case of cheating!


Rarely does such a rare painting come on the market


Seldom has a scientific discovery had such an impact

⭐️No sooner... than

No sooner had I shut the door than I realized I had left my keys inside

⭐️Hardly... when

Hardly had the play started when there was a disturbance in the audience.

@IELTS_8 🔗

Grammar C1 | C2 @IELTS_8

⭐️ Inversion Part 1

This involves using question word order after an adverbial with a negative or restrictive meaning comes at the beginning of the sentence. These structures are normally only used in formal speech and writing. Note that all of these adverbials can be used without inversion if they come in the normal position.


I have never seen a more obvious case of cheating! (normal position)

Never have I seen a more obvious case of cheating!


Rarely does such a rare painting come on the market


Seldom has a scientific discovery had such an impact

⭐️No sooner... than

No sooner had I shut the door than I realized I had left my keys inside

⭐️Hardly... when

Hardly had the play started when there was a disturbance in the audience.

@IELTS_8 🔗
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