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🅾 #اسم #مصدر 🅾
🅾 #gerund 🅾

🛑 در زبان انگلیســـــے بعضی افعال به همراه #ing می آیند که به آنها " #gerund "می گوییم

🏮 چه موقع از #GERUND استفاده میکنیم :

🔴 بعد از فعل هایی که دوست داشتن ( #likes ) و تنفر ( #dislike ) را بیان میکنند مانند :
like, love, enjoy, dislike, hate, don't mind, can't stand ...

🔵 Example : I like doing crossword puzzles.

🔴 بعد از فعل های خاص مانند :

admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, deny, finish,
imagine, involve, keep (on), mention, miss, postpone, suggest ...

🔵 Example : Would you consider doing a few extra hours?

🔴 بعد از حروف اضافه مانند :
interested in ...

🔵 Example : Are you interested in working for us?

instead of ...

🔴 Ex: Would you like to walk instead of taking the bus?

look forward to ...
🔴 Ex: Our parents are looking forward to seeing us soon.

good at ...
🔵 Ex: Julie is good at making cakes.

🔴 Ex: Before leaving the office, please turn off the lights.

After ...
🔵 Ex: After tidying the kitchen she went straight to bed.

🔴 بعد از اصطلاحات خاصی مانند

it's no use ...
Ex: It's no use pleading - I won't change my mind.

it's no good ...
🔵 Ex: It's no good shouting at him - he's deaf!

There's no point in ...

🔴 Ex: There's no point in cooking food - nobody's hungry!


🅾 #اسم #مصدر 🅾
🅾 #gerund 🅾

🛑 در زبان انگلیســـــے بعضی افعال به همراه #ing می آیند که به آنها " #gerund "می گوییم

🏮 چه موقع از #GERUND استفاده میکنیم :

🔴 بعد از فعل هایی که دوست داشتن ( #likes ) و تنفر ( #dislike ) را بیان میکنند مانند :
like, love, enjoy, dislike, hate, don't mind, can't stand ...

🔵 Example : I like doing crossword puzzles.

🔴 بعد از فعل های خاص مانند :

admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, deny, finish,
imagine, involve, keep (on), mention, miss, postpone, suggest ...

🔵 Example : Would you consider doing a few extra hours?

🔴 بعد از حروف اضافه مانند :
interested in ...

🔵 Example : Are you interested in working for us?

instead of ...

🔴 Ex: Would you like to walk instead of taking the bus?

look forward to ...
🔴 Ex: Our parents are looking forward to seeing us soon.

good at ...
🔵 Ex: Julie is good at making cakes.

🔴 Ex: Before leaving the office, please turn off the lights.

After ...
🔵 Ex: After tidying the kitchen she went straight to bed.

🔴 بعد از اصطلاحات خاصی مانند

it's no use ...
Ex: It's no use pleading - I won't change my mind.

it's no good ...
🔵 Ex: It's no good shouting at him - he's deaf!

There's no point in ...

🔴 Ex: There's no point in cooking food - nobody's hungry!


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