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🔴 کاربردها و تفاوتهای بين
🅾 #Borrow, #Lend, #Loan

🅾 #Borrow = #قرض_گرفتن 🅾

🛑 Can I borrow your car?
🛑 ميتونم ماشين شما رو قرض بگيرم؟

🛑 You can borrow a pen from him.
🛑 ميتونی یه خودكار ازش قرض بگيریی.

🛑 I need to borrow some money.
🛑 نياز دارم كمي پول قرض كنم.

💥نكته: #Borrow رو با #To_take به خاطر بسپارید. 💥

🅾 #Lend = #قرض_دادن 🅾

🛑 Yes, I’ll lend you the car.
🛑 بله، ماشين رو بهت قرض ميدهم.

🛑 He’ll be happy to lend you a pen.
🛑 او خوشحال ميشه كه بهت يه خودكار قرض بده.

🛑 I can’t afford to lend you any money
🛑 من از عهده قرض دادن پول به تو بر نمیام.

💥 نكته: #Lend را با #To_give به ياد بسپارید. 💥

💥 نكته: #Lend به معنی همياری كردن و بخشش نیز می باشد.

Lend me a hand = Help me
كمكم كن

🛑 The yellow wall will lend a feeling of warmth.
🛑 ديوار زرد يه جور حس آرامش خواهد بخشيد.

🅾 #Loan (verb)= #قرض_دادن

🅾 #Loan (noun) = #قرض 🔺

🔵 در حالت فعل

🔵 Yes, I’ll loan you the car.
🔵 بله، ماشین رو بهت قرض میدهم.

🔵 He’ll be happy to loan you a pen.
🔵 او خوشحال ميشه كه بهت يه خودكار امانت بده.

🔵 I can’t afford to loan you any money.
🔵 من از عهده قرض دادن پول به تو بر نمیام.

🔴 در حالت اسم:

🔴 I’ll have to get a loan to buy this house.
🔴 برای خريد اين خونه باید یه وام بگیرم.

🔴 The loan of my car was on condition that you fill it with gas.
🔴 به اين شرط بهت ماشين قرض داده بودم كه باكش رو پر كنی.

2⃣🅾 The #difference between
#Already & #yet

🔴 از #Already در جملات #مثبت استفاده میشود.

🔴 We have already written our reports.
🔴 ما قبلا گزارشهایمان را نوشته ایم

🔵 Alex has already recorded the results of the experiment.
🔵 الکس قبلا نتایج آزمایش را ثبت کرده است

🔵 از #Yet در جملات #منفی استفاده میشود.

🔴 We haven't written our reports yet.
🔴 هنوز گزارشهایمان را ننوشته ایم

🔵 Maria hasn't called her parents yet.
🔵 ماریا هنوز به والدینش تلفن نزده است

3 The #difference between #Revolve & #Evolve

Both of these mean to change deeply.

🔴 #Revolve means to change to the opposite.

🔴 #Evolve means to change to something better and improved

1 🛑The people have revolved French regime.(means they deeply changed the regime to one which was opposite the former one.)

2 🛑We've tried to evolve our system to the most modern educational one all over the world.

3 🛑The Drug dealer had a revolution inside his heart, so he fought against his satanic soul and decided to change his fate.

4 After secind World War Germany managed to evolve the bad situation to a better condition.

4 🅾 The #difference between
#Remember_Doing something
#Remember_To_do something

🔴 If you Remember Doing something, You have a Picture of the Time when you Did it.

🔵 If you Remember To Do something, You don't Forget to do What you You Had Intended.

1 I can easily remember Playing football when I was about 11 years old. (☝️ I have a Picture of the Time when I played football.)

2 We have to remember To lock the door. (☝️ We must not Forget to lock the door what we had Intended.)

5 🅾 The #difference between #Abroad & #Overseas

🖐🔴 Both are used to mention a Foreign Country, where is not your Own country.

🔴 #Overseas is often used while talking about Travelling by sea.

🔵 #Abroad is used while talking about Travelling Usually by Land or Maybe by sea.

🛑️ For example, when you want to travel to a foreign country in Scotland, your Only way is to travel overseas not by Land.

🛑 When you want to travel to a foreign country in Europe, you can preferably travel by Land.

1 When I wanted to travel to Japan, my only path was to travel overseas.

2 African people in the center of Africa continent, can only travel by Land to go abroad across the continent, because there is no sea path.


🔴 کاربردها و تفاوتهای بين
🅾 #Borrow, #Lend, #Loan

🅾 #Borrow = #قرض_گرفتن 🅾

🛑 Can I borrow your car?
🛑 ميتونم ماشين شما رو قرض بگيرم؟

🛑 You can borrow a pen from him.
🛑 ميتونی یه خودكار ازش قرض بگيریی.

🛑 I need to borrow some money.
🛑 نياز دارم كمي پول قرض كنم.

💥نكته: #Borrow رو با #To_take به خاطر بسپارید. 💥

🅾 #Lend = #قرض_دادن 🅾

🛑 Yes, I’ll lend you the car.
🛑 بله، ماشين رو بهت قرض ميدهم.

🛑 He’ll be happy to lend you a pen.
🛑 او خوشحال ميشه كه بهت يه خودكار قرض بده.

🛑 I can’t afford to lend you any money
🛑 من از عهده قرض دادن پول به تو بر نمیام.

💥 نكته: #Lend را با #To_give به ياد بسپارید. 💥

💥 نكته: #Lend به معنی همياری كردن و بخشش نیز می باشد.

Lend me a hand = Help me
كمكم كن

🛑 The yellow wall will lend a feeling of warmth.
🛑 ديوار زرد يه جور حس آرامش خواهد بخشيد.

🅾 #Loan (verb)= #قرض_دادن

🅾 #Loan (noun) = #قرض 🔺

🔵 در حالت فعل

🔵 Yes, I’ll loan you the car.
🔵 بله، ماشین رو بهت قرض میدهم.

🔵 He’ll be happy to loan you a pen.
🔵 او خوشحال ميشه كه بهت يه خودكار امانت بده.

🔵 I can’t afford to loan you any money.
🔵 من از عهده قرض دادن پول به تو بر نمیام.

🔴 در حالت اسم:

🔴 I’ll have to get a loan to buy this house.
🔴 برای خريد اين خونه باید یه وام بگیرم.

🔴 The loan of my car was on condition that you fill it with gas.
🔴 به اين شرط بهت ماشين قرض داده بودم كه باكش رو پر كنی.

2⃣🅾 The #difference between
#Already & #yet

🔴 از #Already در جملات #مثبت استفاده میشود.

🔴 We have already written our reports.
🔴 ما قبلا گزارشهایمان را نوشته ایم

🔵 Alex has already recorded the results of the experiment.
🔵 الکس قبلا نتایج آزمایش را ثبت کرده است

🔵 از #Yet در جملات #منفی استفاده میشود.

🔴 We haven't written our reports yet.
🔴 هنوز گزارشهایمان را ننوشته ایم

🔵 Maria hasn't called her parents yet.
🔵 ماریا هنوز به والدینش تلفن نزده است

3 The #difference between #Revolve & #Evolve

Both of these mean to change deeply.

🔴 #Revolve means to change to the opposite.

🔴 #Evolve means to change to something better and improved

1 🛑The people have revolved French regime.(means they deeply changed the regime to one which was opposite the former one.)

2 🛑We've tried to evolve our system to the most modern educational one all over the world.

3 🛑The Drug dealer had a revolution inside his heart, so he fought against his satanic soul and decided to change his fate.

4 After secind World War Germany managed to evolve the bad situation to a better condition.

4 🅾 The #difference between
#Remember_Doing something
#Remember_To_do something

🔴 If you Remember Doing something, You have a Picture of the Time when you Did it.

🔵 If you Remember To Do something, You don't Forget to do What you You Had Intended.

1 I can easily remember Playing football when I was about 11 years old. (☝️ I have a Picture of the Time when I played football.)

2 We have to remember To lock the door. (☝️ We must not Forget to lock the door what we had Intended.)

5 🅾 The #difference between #Abroad & #Overseas

🖐🔴 Both are used to mention a Foreign Country, where is not your Own country.

🔴 #Overseas is often used while talking about Travelling by sea.

🔵 #Abroad is used while talking about Travelling Usually by Land or Maybe by sea.

🛑️ For example, when you want to travel to a foreign country in Scotland, your Only way is to travel overseas not by Land.

🛑 When you want to travel to a foreign country in Europe, you can preferably travel by Land.

1 When I wanted to travel to Japan, my only path was to travel overseas.

2 African people in the center of Africa continent, can only travel by Land to go abroad across the continent, because there is no sea path.


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