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⚜️ Prefixes are one- to three-syllable affixes added to the beginning of a base word to slightly change its meaning.

For example,

adding the prefix im- to the base word possible creates a new word, impossible, which means “not possible.”

Prefixes are a regular part of English, and understanding them can greatly improve your vocabulary and reading comprehension.

In this quick guide, we explain everything you need to know about prefixes and give plenty of examples of prefixes in English. But first, let’s talk a little about what prefix means.

⚜️ Prefixes are one- to three-syllable affixes added to the beginning of a base word to slightly change its meaning.

For example,

adding the prefix im- to the base word possible creates a new word, impossible, which means “not possible.”

Prefixes are a regular part of English, and understanding them can greatly improve your vocabulary and reading comprehension.

In this quick guide, we explain everything you need to know about prefixes and give plenty of examples of prefixes in English. But first, let’s talk a little about what prefix means.

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English Made Easy

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