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💢Common Mistakes

👈برخی از افعالی که باید بدون حرف اضافه استفاده شوند، اما به اشتباه، همراه با حرف‌اضافه بکار برده می شوند، عبارتند از:

👉 discuss, affect, influence, enter, marry, lack, resemble, approach

We must discuss about the plans.
✔️We must discuss the plans.

This problem has also affected on the automobile industry.
✔️ This problem has also affected the automobile industry.

I don't think that longer prison sentences would influence on criminals.
✔️I don't think that longer prison sentences would influence criminals.

The number of foreign workers that are allowed to enter into Japan has increased.
✔️The number of foreign workers that are allowed to enter Japan has increased.

He's going to ask her to marry with him.
✔️ He's going to ask her to marry him.

At school I used to lack in confidence.
✔️At school I used to lack confidence.

The baby resembles to its dad.
✔️The baby resembles its dad.

He approached to my table and took a seat opposite me.
✔️He approached my table and took a seat opposite me.
در اینجا approach فعل و به معنی «نزدیک شدن» است



💢Common Mistakes

👈برخی از افعالی که باید بدون حرف اضافه استفاده شوند، اما به اشتباه، همراه با حرف‌اضافه بکار برده می شوند، عبارتند از:

👉 discuss, affect, influence, enter, marry, lack, resemble, approach

We must discuss about the plans.
✔️We must discuss the plans.

This problem has also affected on the automobile industry.
✔️ This problem has also affected the automobile industry.

I don't think that longer prison sentences would influence on criminals.
✔️I don't think that longer prison sentences would influence criminals.

The number of foreign workers that are allowed to enter into Japan has increased.
✔️The number of foreign workers that are allowed to enter Japan has increased.

He's going to ask her to marry with him.
✔️ He's going to ask her to marry him.

At school I used to lack in confidence.
✔️At school I used to lack confidence.

The baby resembles to its dad.
✔️The baby resembles its dad.

He approached to my table and took a seat opposite me.
✔️He approached my table and took a seat opposite me.
در اینجا approach فعل و به معنی «نزدیک شدن» است


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