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English Speakers | United States America (US)
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a heavy sleeper — someone who sleeps so deep that it's hard to wake them up

a light sleeper — a person who wakes up easily even in the night. Every sound can make them wake up

a sleepyhead — someone who looks like they want to sleep every time

an early bird / an early riser — someone who wakes up very early.

a night owl — someone who works better at night.

👀 Did you know that between 5% to 50% of people sleep with their eyes open??




a heavy sleeper — someone who sleeps so deep that it's hard to wake them up

a light sleeper — a person who wakes up easily even in the night. Every sound can make them wake up

a sleepyhead — someone who looks like they want to sleep every time

an early bird / an early riser — someone who wakes up very early.

a night owl — someone who works better at night.

👀 Did you know that between 5% to 50% of people sleep with their eyes open??


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English Speakers

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