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 🍃🍃❤️❤️🍃🍃/p/ [pen] /b/ [big]🍃🍃❤️❤️🍃🍃

💎🚨 correct pronunciation of /p/ [pen] /b/ [big]

❤️/p/ pen, cup, open, apple, appear

❤️/b/ be, able, stumble, cab, stubble

To learn all of them and English conversation freely, message 🆔👨‍🏫 @gotitbr

🆔💎 @step_by_step_english

/p/ [pen] /b/ [big]
 🍃🍃❤️❤️🍃🍃/p/ [pen] /b/ [big]🍃🍃❤️❤️🍃🍃

💎🚨 correct pronunciation of /p/ [pen] /b/ [big]

❤️/p/ pen, cup, open, apple, appear

❤️/b/ be, able, stumble, cab, stubble

To learn all of them and English conversation freely, message 🆔👨‍🏫 @gotitbr

🆔💎 @step_by_step_english

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English Phonetics and Phonology| English books pdf learning

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