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Correct Answer - C
Ans. is 'c' i.e, Otitis externa [Ref Clinical ENT 5 th /e p. 223]

Excessive moisture is an important predisposing factor for otitis
externa as excessive moisture elevates the pH and removes
protective cerumen.

Therefore, humidity and hot climate predispose
to otitis externa. Hence otitis externa is also known as :-
1. Singapore ear (where climate is hot and humid)
2. Swimmer's ear
3. Telephonist's ear (telephonists who require inserts in their ear have excessive moisture due to sweating)


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Singapore ear is

Correct Answer - C
Ans. is 'c' i.e, Otitis externa [Ref Clinical ENT 5 th /e p. 223]

Excessive moisture is an important predisposing factor for otitis
externa as excessive moisture elevates the pH and removes
protective cerumen.

Therefore, humidity and hot climate predispose
to otitis externa. Hence otitis externa is also known as :-
1. Singapore ear (where climate is hot and humid)
2. Swimmer's ear
3. Telephonist's ear (telephonists who require inserts in their ear have excessive moisture due to sweating)


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