TG Telegram Group & Channel
مفردات الانجليزية من الصفر | United States America (US)
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🔵 المستوى الثالث/ مجموعة 2

copy - ground - wall - anywhere - really - exact - shape - sometimes - totally - different - depend on - sun - at all - guy - explain - stuff - realize - hard - anyway - flashlight - dump - hit - weird - important - kind of - business - meeting - promise - else - pretend - cheek - relative - blue - duck - Could you - understand - would - outside - mean - week - sign - since - nobody - arrive - clear - odd - case - neither - real - true - fact - without

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🔵 المستوى الثالث/ مجموعة 2

copy - ground - wall - anywhere - really - exact - shape - sometimes - totally - different - depend on - sun - at all - guy - explain - stuff - realize - hard - anyway - flashlight - dump - hit - weird - important - kind of - business - meeting - promise - else - pretend - cheek - relative - blue - duck - Could you - understand - would - outside - mean - week - sign - since - nobody - arrive - clear - odd - case - neither - real - true - fact - without

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مفردات الانجليزية من الصفر

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United States America Popular Telegram Group (US)