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🗓 26th August 🗓

🙍‍♀ Women's Equality Day 🙍‍♀

🙎‍♀ Women’s Equality Day is celebrated in the US to mark the 19th Amendment ratified in 1920 giving women the right to vote.

🙎‍♀ It was first celebrated in 1973.

🔰 Important Facts 🔰

💠 Indian railways conducted a ten day long campaign under theme "Each for Equal" to celebrate International Womens's Days (8March).

💠 Global Gender Gap Index 2021
Iceland:- Top
India:- 140

💠 Vidatha probably the most popular assembly in which even women enjoyed an equal status with men in the Early Vedic periods.

💠 United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-WOMEN)
🍁 Headquater:- Newyork
🍁 Anita Bhatia (Deputy Executive Director)

💠 National Organisation for Women (NOW)
🍁 Headquater:- Washington DC

💠 National Commission for Women (NCW)
🍁 Headquater:- New delhi EST: 1992
🍁 Chairperson:- Rekha Sharma

💠 Permanent commission to women in Army observed by Supreme Court is based on following articles -
🔹 Rule of law - Equality before law- Article 14 & Article 16

💠 As per the paper “Rethinking Gender Representation across Value Chains”released during the
3rd Gender Equality Summit 2020, If Women’s labour force is same as Men’s labour force then it can boost India’s GDP by 27%

💠 ARTICLE of the Constitution which has a bearing on the rights of women are:

🔹 Indian women equality (Article 14)

🔹 No discrimination by the State Article 15(1)

🔹 Equality of opportunity (Article 16)

🔹 Equal pay for equal work Article 39 (d)

🔹 Article 42 -To make provision for just and humane conditions for work and maternity relief

🗓 26th August 🗓

🙍‍♀ Women's Equality Day 🙍‍♀

🙎‍♀ Women’s Equality Day is celebrated in the US to mark the 19th Amendment ratified in 1920 giving women the right to vote.

🙎‍♀ It was first celebrated in 1973.

🔰 Important Facts 🔰

💠 Indian railways conducted a ten day long campaign under theme "Each for Equal" to celebrate International Womens's Days (8March).

💠 Global Gender Gap Index 2021
Iceland:- Top
India:- 140

💠 Vidatha probably the most popular assembly in which even women enjoyed an equal status with men in the Early Vedic periods.

💠 United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-WOMEN)
🍁 Headquater:- Newyork
🍁 Anita Bhatia (Deputy Executive Director)

💠 National Organisation for Women (NOW)
🍁 Headquater:- Washington DC

💠 National Commission for Women (NCW)
🍁 Headquater:- New delhi EST: 1992
🍁 Chairperson:- Rekha Sharma

💠 Permanent commission to women in Army observed by Supreme Court is based on following articles -
🔹 Rule of law - Equality before law- Article 14 & Article 16

💠 As per the paper “Rethinking Gender Representation across Value Chains”released during the
3rd Gender Equality Summit 2020, If Women’s labour force is same as Men’s labour force then it can boost India’s GDP by 27%

💠 ARTICLE of the Constitution which has a bearing on the rights of women are:

🔹 Indian women equality (Article 14)

🔹 No discrimination by the State Article 15(1)

🔹 Equality of opportunity (Article 16)

🔹 Equal pay for equal work Article 39 (d)

🔹 Article 42 -To make provision for just and humane conditions for work and maternity relief

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