TG Telegram Group & Channel
CrazyHero | United States America (US)
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Successful registration: 50 rupees.

Film investment income: 36500 rupees (investment 2000 rupees)

Minimum withdrawal of 500 rupees

Registration link:
Group link:
The recommended gift of 10 rupees is over! ! !
Recharge to invest in movies, contact customer service to get a 300 rupees rebate.
Refer friends to invest, contact customer service to get 300 rupees per person.

Forwarded from Genius Airdrop
Successful registration: 50 rupees.

Film investment income: 36500 rupees (investment 2000 rupees)

Minimum withdrawal of 500 rupees

Registration link:
Group link:
The recommended gift of 10 rupees is over! ! !
Recharge to invest in movies, contact customer service to get a 300 rupees rebate.
Refer friends to invest, contact customer service to get 300 rupees per person.

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United States America Popular Telegram Group (US)