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Bugun darsda sociology professorning aytgan gapi essimga tushib ketdi:

“United States is only major capitalist country in the world. Healthcare is totally capitalist. The college is also capitalist. Banks are capitalist. Once you buy a house and furnish it, you’ll end up paying during your whole life.

So, congratulations you guys are ultimate generation who will be screwed up in the next future”

(He giggled at the end)

Bugun darsda sociology professorning aytgan gapi essimga tushib ketdi:

“United States is only major capitalist country in the world. Healthcare is totally capitalist. The college is also capitalist. Banks are capitalist. Once you buy a house and furnish it, you’ll end up paying during your whole life.

So, congratulations you guys are ultimate generation who will be screwed up in the next future”

(He giggled at the end)

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