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Imbolc, or Oimealg marks the midpoint of the dark half of the year. The fire that Brigid first kindled at Yule burns bright in the swollen bellies of pregnant herd animals and rivers of milk begin to flow in swollen teats and udders. Agricultural tools are consecrated for the year ahead, household fires are put out and relit, and the fires of the smithy are blessed by a woman acting on Brigid's behalf.
Brigid's crosses are woven of wheat and given as protective charms for the home. Brigid's snake emerges from the womb of the Earth Mother to test the weather.

Special cakes are baked for the occasion, and a feast and a dance are held for all. The older women of the community gather "bride's beds", or cradles for the corn dollies to sleep in, and magic wands for the dolls to hold. The morning after the feast, everyone examines the ashes of the hearth to see if a magic wand has left marks. If so, it is a good omen for the following year.

Source: A Druid's Herbal for the Sacred Earth Year by Ellen Evert Hopman

Forwarded from The Aryan Seer (Grian agus Gealach)
Imbolc, or Oimealg marks the midpoint of the dark half of the year. The fire that Brigid first kindled at Yule burns bright in the swollen bellies of pregnant herd animals and rivers of milk begin to flow in swollen teats and udders. Agricultural tools are consecrated for the year ahead, household fires are put out and relit, and the fires of the smithy are blessed by a woman acting on Brigid's behalf.
Brigid's crosses are woven of wheat and given as protective charms for the home. Brigid's snake emerges from the womb of the Earth Mother to test the weather.

Special cakes are baked for the occasion, and a feast and a dance are held for all. The older women of the community gather "bride's beds", or cradles for the corn dollies to sleep in, and magic wands for the dolls to hold. The morning after the feast, everyone examines the ashes of the hearth to see if a magic wand has left marks. If so, it is a good omen for the following year.

Source: A Druid's Herbal for the Sacred Earth Year by Ellen Evert Hopman

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