TG Telegram Group & Channel
Aqua Promotion | United States America (US)
Create: Update:

Update in Progress! 🧜🏻‍♂

💧Format Change - Some changes with current format.

💧Time Limit - New time limit will be 3hr top and 6 hr in channel.

💧Timings - List will be posted in Morning-Afternoon time (it can be change according to performance).

💧Rankings - As our policy was on views basis! Everything will be updated. Channels which are inactive will be removed or demoted to smaller list and views will be noted after each list so channels ranking can be updated again.

💧Strict Rules - Each channel have to follow the time limit rules. List will be reposted if found breaking rules. Frequently breaking of rule will lead to ban.

List will be out tomorrow 3:00 pm IST
Looking forward with you all.🙇🏻‍♂

Update in Progress! 🧜🏻‍♂

💧Format Change - Some changes with current format.

💧Time Limit - New time limit will be 3hr top and 6 hr in channel.

💧Timings - List will be posted in Morning-Afternoon time (it can be change according to performance).

💧Rankings - As our policy was on views basis! Everything will be updated. Channels which are inactive will be removed or demoted to smaller list and views will be noted after each list so channels ranking can be updated again.

💧Strict Rules - Each channel have to follow the time limit rules. List will be reposted if found breaking rules. Frequently breaking of rule will lead to ban.

List will be out tomorrow 3:00 pm IST
Looking forward with you all.🙇🏻‍♂

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Aqua Promotion

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United States America Popular Telegram Group (US)