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Sometimes we get hurt from caring too much. Sometimes we cry because we care too much. That’s the problem, you care too much. We wanted to not really care much about other people but we can’t. It’s just that we care for them because we love them. But in the end, you’ll just get hurt. It seems like caring is a bad act.
You’ll always put everyone before yourself. You’ve taken care of people before yourself. You always make people happy before yourself. You always start caring and worrying way too much about people’s lives and problems. And now you’ll end up being hurt again and again. You care so much that you don’t have time for yourself. Maybe it’s time to be fair of yourself. It’s time for yourself. You need to learn to stop caring too much.

Sometimes we get hurt from caring too much. Sometimes we cry because we care too much. That’s the problem, you care too much. We wanted to not really care much about other people but we can’t. It’s just that we care for them because we love them. But in the end, you’ll just get hurt. It seems like caring is a bad act.
You’ll always put everyone before yourself. You’ve taken care of people before yourself. You always make people happy before yourself. You always start caring and worrying way too much about people’s lives and problems. And now you’ll end up being hurt again and again. You care so much that you don’t have time for yourself. Maybe it’s time to be fair of yourself. It’s time for yourself. You need to learn to stop caring too much.

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