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(a) Factors influencing location of iron and steel industries in North Eastern USA:

1. Proximity to iron ore deposits: The Mesabi Range in Minnesota provided an abundant source of iron ore, a crucial raw material.

2. Access to coal deposits: The Appalachian Region's coal deposits supplied the necessary fuel for steel production.

3. Abundant water supply: The Great Lakes and rivers provided water for processing, cooling, and transportation.

4. Transportation network: Railroads and ports facilitated the transportation of raw materials and finished products.

5. Skilled labor force and market demand: The North Eastern USA had a large, skilled workforce and a strong market demand for steel products.

(b) Contributions of iron and steel industries to North Eastern USA's economy:

1. Employment opportunities: The industries provided thousands of jobs, contributing to regional economic stability.

2. GDP growth and economic stability: The industries generated significant revenue, stimulating economic growth.

3. Infrastructure development: Steel was used to build roads, bridges, and buildings, enhancing regional infrastructure.

4. Stimulating related industries: The automotive and construction industries benefited from the availability of steel.

5. Export revenue generation: Steel exports contributed significantly to the region's foreign exchange earnings.

(a) Migration:
Migration involves the permanent or temporary movement of people from one geographical location to another, often driven by factors such as:

- Economic opportunities
- Environmental considerations
- Conflict or persecution
- Education or healthcare
- Family reunification

(b) Causes of rural-urban migration in Tropical Africa:

1. Poverty and lack of economic opportunities: Rural areas often lack job opportunities, leading to migration.

2. Limited access to education and healthcare: Urban areas typically offer better education and healthcare services.

3. Conflict and insecurity: Rural areas may experience conflict, prompting migration to safer urban areas.

4. Environmental degradation and climate change: Environmental factors, such as drought or flooding, can drive migration.

5. Urbanization and modernization: Urban areas offer modern amenities and services, attracting migrants.

(c) Problems created by rural-urban migration in Tropical Africa:

1. Overcrowding and housing shortages: Rapid urbanization strains housing supply.

2. Unemployment and poverty: Migrants may struggle to find employment, exacerbating poverty.

3. Increased strain on urban infrastructure: Migration puts pressure on urban services, such as water and sanitation.

4. Loss of rural labor and skills: Migration can deprive rural areas of skilled workers.

(a) Over-population vs. population density:

Over-population refers to excessive population growth exceeding available resources and infrastructure.

Population density measures the number of people per unit area (people/km²), indicating spatial distribution.

(b) Factors influencing population distribution:

1. Climate and geography: Climate, terrain, and natural resources influence population distribution.

2. Economic opportunities: Job availability and resource accessibility shape population distribution.

3. Accessibility: Transportation infrastructure and communication networks facilitate population movement.

4. Government policies and regulations: Policies, such as urban planning and zoning, influence population distribution.

(c) Factors promoting population growth:

1. High birth rates and fertility: High birth rates contribute to rapid population growth.

2. Improved healthcare and life expectancy: Better healthcare increases life expectancy, contributing to population growth.

3. Immigration and migration: Movement of people into an area can increase population.

4. Cultural and social factors: Family size, marriage age, and social norms influence population growth.

(a) Outline map of Ghana:


Regions to indicate
(i) Sea port: Tema Port
(ii) Domestic airport: Kumasi Airport
(iii) Akuse: Akuse is a town located in the Eastern Region of Ghana, near the Akosombo Dam.

(b) Benefits of air transportation in Ghana:

1. Rapid transportation: Air travel saves time and increases productivity.
2. Economic growth: Air transportation facilitates trade, tourism, and investment.
3. Connectivity: Air travel connects Ghana to international markets and destinations.
4. Job creation: Air transportation generates employment opportunities.

(c) Challenges affecting air transportation in Ghana:

1. Infrastructure limitations: Inadequate airport facilities and runways.
2. Safety concerns: Aging aircraft and inadequate maintenance.
3. Financial constraints: High operational costs and limited funding.

(a) Locations of Tropical rainforests in Ghana:

1. Kakum National Park (Central Region)
2. Digya National Park (Brong-Ahafo Region)

(b) Climatic conditions favoring Tropical rainforest growth:

1. High temperature: Average temperatures range from 20-30°C.
2. High rainfall: Annual rainfall exceeds 1,500 mm.
3. High humidity: Average relative humidity is 60-80%.
4. Minimal seasonal variation: Temperature and rainfall remain relatively consistent.

(c) Characteristics of Tropical rainforest vegetation:

1. Dense canopy: Closed canopy with multiple layers of vegetation.
2. Diverse species: Rich variety of plant and animal species.
3. Evergreen: Vegetation remains green throughout the year.
4. Stratified: Vegetation is layered, with emergent, canopy, and understory layers.
5. Complex ecosystem: Interdependent relationships between plants and animals.
1. C. Industrial and agricultural
2. A. West
3. B. 1:200,000
4. C. 221 km²
5. B. 117.0 km
6. A. Spot height
7. C. 1 centimetre on the map represents 2 kilometres on the ground
8. C. Road
9. B. North east
10. D. Vem
11. C. 2019
12. B. 720,000
13. B. Bar graph
14. A. Headward erosion
15. A. 60° E
16. D. Anticlines and synclines
17. C. Labour intensive
18. C. Afforestation
19. A. I and III only
20. C. Iron and steel industries
21. D. Rail
22. A. Is flexible
23. C. Migration
24. C. Rural settlement
25. A. Enhance the development of rural areas
26. A. Open cast mining
27. B. Flooding
28. B. Solar
29. D. Holiday resort
30. B. Depopulation of rural areas
31. C. Equal length of day and night
32. A. Rotation is the movement of the earth on its axis from west to east while revolution is the movement of the earth around the sun in its elliptical orbit.
33. A. Hot desert climate
34. D. Layers of permeable rock lying between two layers of impermeable rock
35. C. 555 km
36. D. Wadi
37. D. Stack
38. C. Meanders
39. D. Daily range of temperature
40. C. 5.00 p.m
41. A. Isohalines
42. A. Soil erosion
43. A. Basic lava
44. A. Sedimentary rocks
45. B. Wave
46. D. Fold mountains
47. D. Grikes and clints
48. D. It flattens at the poles
49. A. Vulcanicity
50. A. I and IV only
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