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Channel: # polfiltstruggles
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πŸ‘€ Spill kenapa mau jadi admin
yip halo
guys kl aku lg bercanda jgn dimasukin ke hati ya..... masukinnya ke paru-paru aja siapa tau aku separuh napasmu
πŸ‘€ spill admin yang ganteng
sod yu
sposess yuk polpit
πŸ“ its been a long time so lets have a little chit-chat for a while, ask us about anything or tell us about your day but please use polite words. <3

πŸ‘€ Oh iya, buat filter polarr gimana? :D

πŸ‘€ makasi orang baik udah mau bagi bagi pilter ily😘

πŸ‘€ Gimana cara pakai polar ??
Maap sya kurang tau wkwk 😭😭☺️

πŸ‘€ kapan hirmin?😍

πŸ‘€ Mau bilang makasih banyak ke para admin yang udah mengelola channel inii, berguna banget! Makasih ya, sukses selalu!

πŸ‘€ hello, just wanna say that hope you're having a nice day!

πŸ‘€ Ada niatan buat jual ch nya ga atau kayak ch nya di rawat sama orang lain?

πŸ‘€ How's it been?

πŸ‘€ kemana aja? sekarang adminnya ada berapa?

πŸ‘€ Kenapa udah jarang post?

πŸ‘₯ 10 people have voted so far.
πŸ“– Anonymous Board

🚫 This poll is closed...
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πŸ‘€ Kenapa udah jarang post?

we apologize for what happened, all of us are busy with our own business but it can be seen that there are still admins posting some filters. we will be frequent and active again on this channel, if we can and have any chance.
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πŸ‘€ Kenapa kepikiran buat channel ini??

hmmm this
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πŸ‘€ kemana aja? sekarang adminnya ada berapa?

lagi sibuk sama urusan masing-masing, sender. adminnya masih banyak kok, tapi kebanyakan pada gak aktif.
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πŸ‘€ How's it been?

pretty fine and exhausted but all good.
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πŸ‘€ Ada niatan buat jual ch nya ga atau kayak ch nya di rawat sama orang lain?

kalau jual channel, nope. kalau channelnya dirawat sama orang lain tapi tetap di ranah filter polarr, yes, i’ve been thinking about that many times. go text our bot if you are interested.
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πŸ‘€ kapan hirmin?😍

honestly kita udah enggak pernah kepikiran hiring admin lagi, tapi kalau mau jadi admin langsung chat bot aja ok. kalau mau bagi filter juga boleh chat bot.
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πŸ‘€ hello, just wanna say that hope you're having a nice day!
πŸ‘€ Mau bilang makasih banyak ke para admin yang udah mengelola channel inii, berguna banget! Makasih ya, sukses selalu!

dearest sender thank you so much for those kind words. we always feel grateful because of polarrfilt subscribers’ existence and we hope all of you have a beautiful life. much love from us, xx.
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πŸ‘€ Gimana cara pakai polar ??
Maap sya kurang tau wkwk 😭😭☺️

check this out
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πŸ‘€ makasi orang baik udah mau bagi bagi pilter ily😘

love you the most. <3
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πŸ‘€ Oh iya, buat filter polarr gimana? :D

kita ada banyak bikin tutor kok bisa liat pakai hashtag #pftutor, kalau bingung boleh chat bot yaa.
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2024/06/07 17:56:20
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