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mfw the wife overshoots the Costco budget by an eye watering sum
I just got tattled on to Freedomainradio. HALP
Forwarded from kairos
Steve franssen just called me a bitch and got hyper aggressive when I gave him feedback on his chat, looks like he's learned nothing from his chat with Stef.
Ever eat food so good it makes you dance?
Pure energy. Burns clean.
I don't know who needs to hear this but: appeasing an aggressive woman only makes it worse.
Appeasing women is leading to WWIII. Imagine what it does inside a simple marriage with a woman who has BOMBS in HER BRAIN?
You can place one thing under the box (can't be cash) to trap a woman. What are you putting there?
"Perspective is inevitable, morality is inescapable - the glory of the universe is the finger tapping on the shoulder of conscience delivered on a regular - but declining - basis, until souls either listen and *live* or..."

The conscience is a muscle. Best to practice now. The younger you regularly use it, the better off you will result.
Reading some brain health stuff last night and it appears undermethylation is present in 90% of autistic people. Exposure in utero to heavy metals and fluoridation heavily tracks with autism. And you gotta keep the autistic kids away from gluten and casein as much as possible before age 4, when their autism brain pathways cure in place.
Also been seeing on Twitter floating around that there's a MASSIVE overlap between circumcision and autism.
Forwarded from Hardwood 🪵
It is completely and totally possible to choose the wrong person to marry and then have children out of that wrong choice.
It is completely and totally possible to choose the wrong person to marry and then have children out of that wrong choice.
If you don't hit the panic button on how intransigent your bf/gf about remaining an awful person, you're gonna have a bad time...for decades.
NEW PREMIUM CONTENT: A treatment on what can be an explosive, highly challenging subject - marrying the wrong person!
Someone call the National Overdose Hotline cause I just OD'ed on my wife's gluten-free chocolate chip cookiesssss
Someone call the National Overdose Hotline cause I just OD'ed on my wife's gluten-free chocolate chip cookiesssss
Is it bad that this cookie overdose makes me want to spent the rest of the afternoon in a bubble bath? 🍸🥂
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"to be or not to be" picking petals from a flower but it's just me stuffing cookies into my mouth
🎵Forever and ever🎵 💘
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2024/04/24 03:58:37
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