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Channel: SadQuotes💯
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dia mana sayang aku lagi, dia ada yang baru. Dia ada pengganti yang teman dia masa dia bosan, yang boleh dia ganggu kalau dia memerlukan

Sekarang musim buah, semua buah ada. Yang tak ada cuma buah hati

Happy National Girlfriend Day, baby
To have someone like you was a gift

I hate to tell you this, I’m jealous

I just want to be appreciated

I need to go because there is no place for me in your life

I love how you look, I miss your cute laugh but then I realize that you are temporary. It sad but I need to face the reality

Maybe now you are not with someone that care for you,
maybe later you be sorry for not appreciating someone who was there for you when no one else was

you know you love someone when you started to eat their favourite food on the daily

sometimes things may look small to you but it mean the world for me and it can hurts too

"People will always disappoint you, to remain happy you must learn how to forgive, forget and move on." - Unknown

“Hidup ni simple, kalau rindu terus call”

ye memang simple. tapi dia on another call. siapa tak sakit?

don’t ever beg for a friendship or relationship with anyone. if you don’t receive the same efforts you give out. lose that contact.

I hope my bestfriend is having a good day :)

loving is not to have them,
but to care even they don't

Your notification will always made my day

you will always be my favourite person

one of the hardest life lessons is letting go. Change isn’t easy, but it’s better than being stuck.

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2024/06/26 06:04:46
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