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Channel: SadQuotes💯
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And when you find another, I will be fine

You left me.
but now,
you’re begging on my knees.

mana ada yang kisah kalau kita penat. mana ada yang kisah kalau kita terasa. sometimes words can hurt too.

I don’t know what I’m more afraid of, to see you again or to never see you again

I'm still waiting for you to spend time with me like we used to be, but it seems like everything will not be the same, you have changed so much. Thanks for everything that you did.

I lost someone who didn't care but you lost someone that did.

I wish you were here with me, eating ice cream together

sometimes , i'm just so afraid to feel attached to someone. I hate the feeling of losing somone who you allowed to become such a part of your life. How someone you text everyday and hang out so often , can just turn into a complete stranger the next moment. It scares me.

Seeing how I still love you is a sign of an unfinished business.

sedang apa dan di mana?
It aint easy to open this cold heart.

go easy on me

a little bit cold but don't need blanket just hug

don't smile!
my heart will go crazy

Ive been guarding myself well these past years. The walls Ive been putting up has reach the sky. I dont want to open up to someone that could break this wall easily. Not sure if i have the strength to build it up again. Im just so afraid of being hurt like the last time. So God, show me the wisdom to choose and act wisely, that I may be protected from anything that could hurt and break me.

I was nothing to you even when it was years ago.
rumit bgt ga sih?
Overthinking will really steal your peace

If you're reading this:

Please don't give up, your time will come. Trust me, it will.

(⁠っ⁠.⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠っ

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2024/06/26 05:49:00
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