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NFNDC -The Council that Created Jesus Christ -The Council of Nicaea by Dr Ray Hagins

NFNDC brings you footage of Dr. Ray Hagins in a Seminar covering his research on the Origins of Jesus Christ and the Council that is believed to be the Writers of the First Christian Bible....The Council of Nicaea.

~ Info
Media is too big
The national socialist revolution

Therein we conceive our final victory. For we have seen what it leads to with the others. Twenty years ago they sucured an apparent victory and what has come of this victory?

Nothing but misery and despair. They fought their war only for the planned plutocracy, for a few financier dynasties...which administer their capital markets!

For a thew hundred...who in the end control these people.That should serve as a lesson to us all! And one day there will come a time when all of us will join the fight for this reich with confidence for this reich of peace of work, of welfare, of culture, which we want to erect and which we will erect.

"I Thank you!"

German Wehrmacht. Man for man, officer for officer all of these fools who thought there could be rifts among us, have forgotten that the third reich is no longer the second.

For this struggle is not one for the present but firm and foremost one for the future!

Adolf Hitler
"If all of the dead allied soldiers could see their countries now, they would have thrown down their weapons and fought with the Germans.

~ David Irving
You have landed on the Continent to face the armed might of Germany - but not for the benefit of Britain! Your country will gain ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from this struggle, no matter how well you may fight. THE BOLSHEVISTS ALONE WILL PROFIT by your sacrifices. You have been trapped into risking your life for but one purpose - the Bolshevization of Europe! Consider these points, and ask yourself

Today marks the 80th anniversary of the D-day Landings, 80 years later of constant lies and propaganda thank God we saved the West from Hitler 😭
Chronology c.1450 to the present day

Selected milestones in the history of the family and key dates in the history of the development of the Rothschild businesses are detailed here. Click on a year date to reveal further information about the events that shaped history; a relevant image will also appear at the top of the page. 

Rothschild timeline πŸ‘ˆ Click the link
British Puplic sector resources sold in the 80s

Let's take a look at our public sector resources which Evelyn de Rothschild advised the thatcher government to sell off, which then were sold to the private sector (capitalist) Click the links below πŸ‘‡

Sale of British Coal 1994

Privatisation of British Telecom 1984

Privatisation of British Gas 1986

Privatisation of British Steel 1988

Water company privatisation 1989

Electricity privatisation 1990

Sale of British Petroleum 1987

Nathaniel Mayer Victor Rothschild, 3rd Baron banker, the man behind the sell off of Britain

N M Rothschild & Sons first involvement in privatisation

All the above were sold to the rich as percentages, for them to then make profit from you with rising energy costs.

Please tell me how the Government are here to benefit you πŸ€”
There mission is to build a future where capitalism (an economic system in which a country's businesses and industry are controlled and run for profit by private owners rather than by the government) benefits all stakeholders.

So, they want to discuss and lay groundwork necessary for stakeholders capitalism to thrive but also make the environment, worker and local communities thrive alongside πŸ€”.

I smell lies the environment will never thrive, not while big stakeholders are flying around continuously from country to country in private jets neither does it benefit the waters they drive their yachts on, or the toxic waste that is been intentionally poured into it to tarnish life.

The working man will never thrive from capitalism, look at what's happening at this very minute "Cost of living", the worker already is unable to survive on what they make now, so making businesses open to private stakeholders to take charge of them (anonymously)
Is opening up dangerous waters for workers to stay above safely without drowning in a sea of debt, foreclosures, home repossessions the list is endless.

How will they help our local communities thrive from capitalism?, please go and take a walk around your local areas and tell me they look the exact same as before Lockdown hit! I can definitely confirm that in my local community, we've had several small family-owned businesses close and they never re-opened.! Not only that theve also closed down our community centres (which are only open for the older generation), youth clubs and safe places for children! All the government and councils respond back with is the same old tripe they say each time, "We've had to cut the funding", we know that but for what? where is this funding been redistributed???? ... I will tell you where! It lines the pockets of the council trustees, managers, investors etc. They make the final say in where it goes and we as a community are unable to oppose or protest to stop it happening! It never gets distributed to anything that benefits our communities, even our green belt land is up for the right price πŸ’”

All I've seen since our community buildings have been  closed down is thousands of pounds worth of sculptures been erected in the centres of roundabouts. How does that benefit a community? Yes they are pretty but come on if we traded that statue in for food or seeds it would feed a whole community and they would start to thrive more than a statue that rusts over time!

See we the people aren't valued like you must think we are.

Let's be real, when I read this on the World Economic Forum, I laughed nervously but after Covid-19 I had a sense of knowing that this would be on the cards for discussion, it was easy to see when the world wide media vaccine campaign didn't work as well as they predicted it would, a lot of private stakeholders lost millions to vaccines alone! We always knew it would happen, it just was a matter of when we would pay the price. If/when this happens, our generation will not feel it, it will be introduced and implemented for when our children and their children are of working age! Them poor children having to work back breaking hours just to make ends meet (maybe what some of you are already doing now) when will this actually change, when will people realise it's always passed on to the next generations! We don't need privatisation, we need our own funding back, we need to implement community values again by leading on example.

Our environment, workers and communities will never benefit from capitalism πŸ™„ have we benefited from anything so far??? NOPE. Do you really think a private investor has your familys best interests at heart?

Do you really openly think this is a good idea?, please look further into this yourself you will see that it waint be sunshine and rainbows your walking into, it will be generational enslavement and once that locks in they will have a bigger fight on their hands βœ‹ This is why it is so important that people get themselves educated, we can prevent this from happening if we all stand together and say ENOUGH!
This is another reason they indoctrinate us a certain way, so we are not smart enough to decipher how the Ashkenazi Rothschild system works!

The New World Order is a Capitalist/Communist state were our counties are used as monopoly boards to profit from you.

(Each separate country started as an individual monopoly board but with different bankers from the Rothschild family, the monopoly token houses are the Capitialist and the Banker is a barron Rotschchild banker. Once each piece on your countries board is over run with house tokens, they will create 1 last board and that will represent the New World Order and each step you land on will represent a country instead of a natural resource, business, industry etc)

China is the only country that's accepted and allowed this new system.

Most people don't realise you are already been made to adapt slowly to the New World Order, everything you do is been predicted and watched by behavioural economists and this helps to shape the concepts, theories and game plans the Rothschild have, they slowly trickle these in over time.

We will follow suit with China if we as Nations dont wake up.

Take a look at these sources:
England is no longer for the English It's now a piece of land where anyone in the world can emigrate to and it's this what ultimately makes you British according to those who rule it.
Britain is dead, it can only be revived by becoming aware of what's currently unfolding, if we carry on this same path all Will be lost.
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2024/06/14 22:45:38
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