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Create: Update:

k% enabled!'
disabled-broadcast-punishment: '%prefix% &cBroadcast punishment for %check% disabled!'
enabled-broadcast-punishment: '%prefix% &aBroadcast punishment for %check% enabled!'
must-be-an-integer: '&cMust be an integer!'
must-be-positive: '&cMust be positive!'
must-be-number: '&cMust be a number!'
set-max-buffer: '%prefix% &aSet max buffer for %check% to %value%!'
set-hotbar-shuffle-minimum-violations: '%prefix% &aSet minimum violations to shuffle hotbar for %check% to %value%!'
set-hotbar-shuffle-interval: '%prefix% &aSet hotbar shuffle interval for %check% to %value%!'
set-random-rotation-minimum-violations: '%prefix% &aSet minimum violations to randomly rotate for %check% to %value%!'
set-random-rotation-interval: '%prefix% &aSet random rotation interval for %check% to %value%!'
set-alert-interval: '%prefix% &aSet alert interval for %check% to %value%!'
set-buffer-decay: '%prefix% &aSet buffer decay for %check% to %value%!'
set-buffer-multiple: '%prefix% &aSet buffer multiple for %check% to %value%!'
set-max-violations: '%prefix% &aSet max violations for %check% to %value%!'
set-minimum-violations-to-alert: '%prefix% &aSet minimum violations to alert for %check% to %value%!'
set-maximum-ping: '%prefix% &aSet maximum ping for %check% to %value%!'
set-minimum-tps: '%prefix% &aSet minimum TPS for %check% to %value%!'
removed-punishment-command: '%prefix% &aRemoved command %command% from check %check%!'
invalid-index-number: '%prefix% &cInvalid index number!'
stopped-editing-punishment-commands: '%prefix% &cStopped editing punishment commands!'
added-punishment-command: '%prefix% &aAdded punishment command %command% to check %check%!'
enter-punishment-command: '%prefix% &aEnter the command you want to add! Type STOP or CANCEL to exit!'
remove-punishment-command: '%prefix% &cEnter the index of the command you want to remove. Type STOP or CANCEL to exit!'
disable-check-command-syntax: '%prefix% &cProper Syntax: /vulcan disablecheck (check name) - case sensitive.'
invalid-check: '%prefix% &cInvalid check name! Examples: AimA, BadPacketsF, AutoClickerJ.'
removed-check: '%prefix% &cDisabled check %check%!'
violations-command-syntax: '%prefix% &cProper Syntax: /vulcan violations (player)'
no-logs: '%prefix% &cThis player set off no logs!'
cps-command-syntax: '%prefix% &cProper Syntax: /vulcan cps (player)'
connection-command-syntax: '%prefix% &cProper Syntax: /vulcan connection (player)'
logs-command-syntax: '%prefix% &cProper Syntax: /logs (player) (page)'
no-logs-file: '%prefix% &cThere is no logs file!'
logs-command-no-logs: '%prefix% &cThere were no logs found for %player%!'
no-page: '%prefix% &cThere is no page %page% for %player%!'
update-available: '%prefix% &7A new update for &cVulcan &7is available! (&cv%new-version%&7)'
latest-version: '%prefix% &aYou are running the latest version of Vulcan!'
injection-failure: 'You joined too quickly. Please try again!'
frozen: '&cYou are frozen! Please await instructions from staff.'
logged-out-while-frozen: '%prefix% &c%player% logged out while frozen!'
froze: '%prefix% &7You froze &a%player%&7!'
unfroze: '%prefix% &7You unfroze &c%player%!'
freeze-command-syntax: '%prefix% &cProper Syntax: /vulcan freeze (player)'
shuffle-command-syntax: '%prefix% &cProper Syntax: /vulcan shuffle (player)'
shuffled-hotbar: '%prefix% &aSuccessfully shuffled hotbar for %player%!'
rotate-command-syntax: '%prefix% &cProper Syntax: /vulcan rotate (player)'
randomly-rotated: '%prefix% &aSuccessfully rotated %player%!'
reset-command-syntax: '%prefix% &cProper Syntax: /vulcan reset (player)'
violations-reset: '%prefix% &aSuccessfully reset violations for %player%!'
unknown-command: '%prefix% &cUnknown command!'
unfroze-staff-broadcast: '%prefix% &c%player% &7was unfrozen by &c%staff%&7!'
froze-staff-broadcast: '%prefix% &c%player% &7was frozen by &c%staff%&7!'
removed-from-jday: '%prefix% &aSuccesfully removed %player% from Judgement Day!'

k% enabled!'
disabled-broadcast-punishment: '%prefix% &cBroadcast punishment for %check% disabled!'
enabled-broadcast-punishment: '%prefix% &aBroadcast punishment for %check% enabled!'
must-be-an-integer: '&cMust be an integer!'
must-be-positive: '&cMust be positive!'
must-be-number: '&cMust be a number!'
set-max-buffer: '%prefix% &aSet max buffer for %check% to %value%!'
set-hotbar-shuffle-minimum-violations: '%prefix% &aSet minimum violations to shuffle hotbar for %check% to %value%!'
set-hotbar-shuffle-interval: '%prefix% &aSet hotbar shuffle interval for %check% to %value%!'
set-random-rotation-minimum-violations: '%prefix% &aSet minimum violations to randomly rotate for %check% to %value%!'
set-random-rotation-interval: '%prefix% &aSet random rotation interval for %check% to %value%!'
set-alert-interval: '%prefix% &aSet alert interval for %check% to %value%!'
set-buffer-decay: '%prefix% &aSet buffer decay for %check% to %value%!'
set-buffer-multiple: '%prefix% &aSet buffer multiple for %check% to %value%!'
set-max-violations: '%prefix% &aSet max violations for %check% to %value%!'
set-minimum-violations-to-alert: '%prefix% &aSet minimum violations to alert for %check% to %value%!'
set-maximum-ping: '%prefix% &aSet maximum ping for %check% to %value%!'
set-minimum-tps: '%prefix% &aSet minimum TPS for %check% to %value%!'
removed-punishment-command: '%prefix% &aRemoved command %command% from check %check%!'
invalid-index-number: '%prefix% &cInvalid index number!'
stopped-editing-punishment-commands: '%prefix% &cStopped editing punishment commands!'
added-punishment-command: '%prefix% &aAdded punishment command %command% to check %check%!'
enter-punishment-command: '%prefix% &aEnter the command you want to add! Type STOP or CANCEL to exit!'
remove-punishment-command: '%prefix% &cEnter the index of the command you want to remove. Type STOP or CANCEL to exit!'
disable-check-command-syntax: '%prefix% &cProper Syntax: /vulcan disablecheck (check name) - case sensitive.'
invalid-check: '%prefix% &cInvalid check name! Examples: AimA, BadPacketsF, AutoClickerJ.'
removed-check: '%prefix% &cDisabled check %check%!'
violations-command-syntax: '%prefix% &cProper Syntax: /vulcan violations (player)'
no-logs: '%prefix% &cThis player set off no logs!'
cps-command-syntax: '%prefix% &cProper Syntax: /vulcan cps (player)'
connection-command-syntax: '%prefix% &cProper Syntax: /vulcan connection (player)'
logs-command-syntax: '%prefix% &cProper Syntax: /logs (player) (page)'
no-logs-file: '%prefix% &cThere is no logs file!'
logs-command-no-logs: '%prefix% &cThere were no logs found for %player%!'
no-page: '%prefix% &cThere is no page %page% for %player%!'
update-available: '%prefix% &7A new update for &cVulcan &7is available! (&cv%new-version%&7)'
latest-version: '%prefix% &aYou are running the latest version of Vulcan!'
injection-failure: 'You joined too quickly. Please try again!'
frozen: '&cYou are frozen! Please await instructions from staff.'
logged-out-while-frozen: '%prefix% &c%player% logged out while frozen!'
froze: '%prefix% &7You froze &a%player%&7!'
unfroze: '%prefix% &7You unfroze &c%player%!'
freeze-command-syntax: '%prefix% &cProper Syntax: /vulcan freeze (player)'
shuffle-command-syntax: '%prefix% &cProper Syntax: /vulcan shuffle (player)'
shuffled-hotbar: '%prefix% &aSuccessfully shuffled hotbar for %player%!'
rotate-command-syntax: '%prefix% &cProper Syntax: /vulcan rotate (player)'
randomly-rotated: '%prefix% &aSuccessfully rotated %player%!'
reset-command-syntax: '%prefix% &cProper Syntax: /vulcan reset (player)'
violations-reset: '%prefix% &aSuccessfully reset violations for %player%!'
unknown-command: '%prefix% &cUnknown command!'
unfroze-staff-broadcast: '%prefix% &c%player% &7was unfrozen by &c%staff%&7!'
froze-staff-broadcast: '%prefix% &c%player% &7was frozen by &c%staff%&7!'
removed-from-jday: '%prefix% &aSuccesfully removed %player% from Judgement Day!'

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United States America Popular Telegram Group (US)