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Seventh edition of the program “Music for the End of the World” invites the musician Natalia Salmina, known as Ataraime. In her music she is bringing together fragile folk, warm ambient, soundscape noise and jazzy downtempo.

In this show, Ataraime has collected music that serves as inspiration for her work, balancing on the edge of indie pop and experimental ambient. Perhaps this is the most diverse issue in terms of genres in our cycle: dream-pop and Soviet psychedelia, piano sketches and anti-rock coexist with each other. The fragile and at the same time bold combination of diverse musical practices brings us back to the original essence of the mixtape — the transfer of personal experience: an artifact of everyday life and listening.

Seventh edition of the program “Music for the End of the World” invites the musician Natalia Salmina, known as Ataraime. In her music she is bringing together fragile folk, warm ambient, soundscape noise and jazzy downtempo.

In this show, Ataraime has collected music that serves as inspiration for her work, balancing on the edge of indie pop and experimental ambient. Perhaps this is the most diverse issue in terms of genres in our cycle: dream-pop and Soviet psychedelia, piano sketches and anti-rock coexist with each other. The fragile and at the same time bold combination of diverse musical practices brings us back to the original essence of the mixtape — the transfer of personal experience: an artifact of everyday life and listening.

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