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'Chilling': Florida hospitals gave patients' private medical info to Facebook, lawsuit says

An online tracking tool buried within the code of local hospitals' websites has been collecting patients' health information — including details about their medical conditions, treatments and doctor’s appointments — and sending it to Facebook, a new lawsuit claims.

The lawsuit raises patient-privacy concerns over the use of Meta Pixel by the Palm Beach Health Network, whose members are six of Palm Beach County's oldest and best-known hospitals.

Meta Pixel is a free snippet of JavaScript that, once pasted into a website's source code, tracks visitors' every click and keystroke. The information is then delivered to Meta, the owner of Facebook, which creates targeted advertising sent to users' personal Facebook accounts.

The full story (no paywall):
Can Google track me just by my IP and browser fingerprint?

I'm a pretty privacy conscious person. I use privacy android ROM (It Who Must Not Be Named) and the Mull browser in private mode on my phone. I always thought that was enough to keep Google from spying on me. But I do sometimes use Google Search in my browser, and after reading a bit about how Google tracks users even in private mode, I have some questions.

If I'm using a browser like Mull, which deletes all cookies and locally stored website content after being closed, can Google still track me using my home IP and browser fingerprint? I don't have any Google accounts, so I'm never logged in while browsing. My IP isn't static, so it changes every month or so. Can Google get my new IP by using other Android devices from other people on my network to figure out my new IP address, or by using other apps that rely on Google on my phone to get my new IP and profile even through my IP changes?

For more private stuff, I use Tor, but I still don't like the idea that Google has all my past searches stored with my name next to them. Last week, I decided to start using WireGuard (not self hosted) because I don't think it will hurt, and I hope this will solve my current problem. I'm from the EU if that matters.
How do I prevent my reddit posts from being archived?

I feel like your footprint on reddit isn’t really… erasable. Things are archived and because of this, people can track what you’ve done on here, right? Idk about with an IP address, but how do I limit this the best way possible? Does not leaving posts up for too long help? I don’t really have anything to hide but it just makes me paranoid.
If you drive a late model Hyundai, you're being surveilled

Hyundai has been reporting every drive my family takes in my new car to 3rd parties.

You can request your own data, from LexisNexis and Verisk, takes about a week to arrive by US Mail.

Images here:\_hyundai\_you\_just\_lost\_a\_customer\_for\_life/
Is there anyone still using Zoom? Zoom data breach

Recently, A senior technician in Zoom disclosed the details of Zoom's cooperation with FBI and NSA, including the facts that Zoom provides FBI and NSA with users' data for machine learning, users are unable to delete their own data, the company can monitor users by backend tools, etc. The security of data and privacy is closely associated with each of us, so here we voice our protest that the power of government should be supervised and limited, and Zoom is invading we citizens' privacy.
Is it still possible to make Windows private?

Now Microsoft added more AI tools to Windows 11. Is it still possible to make it private? I don't use Microsoft account and I ran Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility and O&O Shutup. Please don't recommend me Linux, because it's not an option.
How did police access Apple Watch movement data?

There's an ongoing high-profile murder trial in Denmark that's raised concerns about Apple Watch privacy. The police accessed movement data from the suspect's Apple Watch, showing he moved over one and a half kilometers around the time of the crime. His car was parked 800 meters from the crime scene, so they are implying that he moved from his car to the crime scene and back. Additionally, the police obtained his location data from mobile cell towers, which makes sense, but I thought Apple Watch data was tightly secured and encrypted.

How could the police access this information? Is it from iCloud, or did the data come from the device itself? Could this have been prevented with Advanced Data Protection? It's the most prolific case in Denmark in decades, so a TON of resources has been poured into the investigation.
Meta - New AI Email

Just had an email from Meta (because of my instagram account), saying that they’re changing the terms of service because of generative AI.

In that email they also had a link to opt out from said information.

I’ve done this and they have emailed me back to say they have accepted my opt out.

Now I know this is all BS, they’ve probably used all my data for AI already and blah blah blah. Ideally just delete it (which I did for Facebook some years ago).

I’m not here to discuss it or argue about it, but just as a warning that maybe somebody far more knowledgable than me might want to check it out.

Peace, love and privacy 😅
Groomed when I was younger - could it still exist?

I don’t want to get too into the details, but essentially there likely are (or at least, have been) pictures of me(when I was underage) online that I don’t really want to be online, some of which might have my face in them. I have tried using software to find my face and haven’t been able to find anything of me, which is a good sign I guess. I was just wondering whether or not it would be possible for someone, for example an employer, to be able to find images like these. And if not now, what about when software gets more advanced in the future.
Privacy & Security tips + Alternatives to Proprietary Services
Idea how to make Windows private, WORKING SOLUTION*

1. Disable gateway and DNS, set IP only, so the Windows will not have any internet connection.
2. Do not use any Microsoft-related services like cloud, mail, logon.
3. Set up a proxy in your LAN and use internet apps like browsers and mail clients using that proxy. OFC do NOT provide M$ apps like Edge with proxy data.

It is a very good solution for office sites, but fails for e.g. online games or other other apps that need non-proxy (direct) connection.

Any ideas how to improve above mentioned solution?
Can people use my phone number to find me in telegram?

I was just curious could people find my telegram through searching up my phone number even when I’ve chosen to hide it in the telegram settings?
HELP I was a victim of a phishing scam, what do I need to do?


A housemate recently installed malicious software from the internet. From my understanding, the name of our wifi network has changed, indicating he had access to our router. Additionally he received an email demanding him to pay a large sum of money in Bitcoin, and saying reporting him and resetting our devices has no effect since he already has our data. (see below)

We have already contacted the authorities, I have reset all our routers and changed the default router login, we will be resetting all devices that were connected to the network and change all our passwords.

I have a few important questions:

1. Realistically, what information does the hacker have access to, and how big of a risk am I at?
2. What other actions do I need to take now to protect our privacy?

Below is the message he sent. I redacted some potential vulnerable data in square brackets:

"Greetings. There's something unforeseen I need to tell you about.
[date\] \- It's crucial for you to understand that today, your device's operating system was compromised under my direction, giving me full access to your account. Your activities have been under my close surveillance for a protracted period.
I installed a virus on your system, which has now given me the power to control all your devices, including the display and camera. Your private data and online activities are now centralized on my servers.
I've managed to collect a significant amount of information about you.
During my vigil over you, I happened upon some fascinating discoveries.
Given our shared awareness, the course of action seems clear, wouldn't you agree?
If you would prefer that I not do it, transfer 1200 $ (US Dollar) to my Bitcoin wallet.
My bitcoin wallet address:
[bitcoin wallet\]
Unsure how to add funds to your Bitcoin wallet? Google has many tutorials that can help you with the process.
Once the funds have been received, I will promptly remove all unwanted material. Afterward, we can go our separate ways. I assure you that I am committed to deactivating and removing all malware from your devices. You can trust me; I always keep my word.
I give exactly two days (48 hours from the moment of opening this letter for payment!
Following this timeframe, if I do not receive the agreed-upon amount from you, I will release access to your accounts and visited websites, along with personal data and edited materials, without prior warning.
Remember: I do not make errors, and I strongly discourage attempts to jest with me; I have numerous opportunities at my disposal. Complaining about me is futile because they can't locate me. Formatting the drive or destroying the device won't help because I already have your data.
Writing me back is unnecessary, given that I don't use a personal email for communication, and I won't be checking for responses
Best of luck, and don't allow this to frustrate you! Everyone has their own responsibilities, and today just happened to be your turn.
P.S. For the future, I recommend that you observe internet safety guidelines and steer clear of dubious websites.
Pandan use an antvirus like Kaspersky Total Security for enhanced protecion
You hwID: [code\]
Operating system: [OS\]
Avalable Keyboard layouts:

I really appreciate your input on this.
Email stolen in data breach PLEASE HELP

Hello all,

I need help desperately, please!

My name, DOB and email address were just stolen in the Ticketek data breach.

An hour later and I’m getting emails from Netflix (correct email apparently too, [email protected]) that my email address was changed, followed by a password change email. I don’t have a Netflix account and I looked up their proper number on their site, called them and confirmed that a new account was open in that name. They have closed it.

The weird thing was the email they used was mine except for a full stop in the middle- think [email protected] being the email but them changing it to [email protected]. I still received the emails though and they appear to have been able to click reset password links and change them?

When I checked my gmail security tab it showed only my iPhone logged in, so are they in my phone or just my email, or is this some bullshit advanced phishing technique?

I’ve turned my iPhone off twice just in case but don’t know what to do from here- I’ve taken every precaution all my life for internet safety and now a data breach from a company has done this.

I’ve clicked no email links, not downloaded anything, nothing.

I’m terrified. Please, help me.

Thank you.
Email from my own account in junk with the warning:This message may not be sent by the sender that's displayed

Claimed by a hacker or so it says, but it has one old password that I can find on a few web accounts in and asks for money on a bitcoin adress.

Propably some leak or admin on one of the websites with said password.

One of the sites listed wth this pass is VK com.

What I don't understand Is how it spoofed the sender adress to show as my own account when clearly that is not the case.

This message may not be sent by the sender that's displayed.
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