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Bitcoin Halving on Mining History
Mentor Monday, April 22, 2024: Ask all your bitcoin questions!

Ask (and answer!) away! Here are the general rules:

* If you'd like to learn something, ask.
* If you'd like to share knowledge, answer.
* Any question about Bitcoin is fair game.

And don't forget to check out /r/BitcoinBeginners

You can sort by new to see the latest questions that may not be answered yet.
I hope you are all in because we are going and the time is now lol
I'm lucky I avoided Mt. Gox because I was too lazy to complete the email verification.


I was going through old emails over some nostalgic shit and found this. I didn't dodge a bullet. I dodged a bazooka. I was this close to getting caught up in that mess. Stay vigilant, people. Trust your gut and stay safe out there. That dude got away with a slap on the wrist. He did no fucking jail time. And just like OJ, yeah he was definitely guilty and I bet he has those coins stashed away somewhere. Just goes to show how important it is to do due diligence in the crypto world. Or be a lazy MFer like me and get lucky.
Better late than never -1st Bitcoin

I finally set up a DCA for $10 bi-weekly for something I have believed in for a long time but always had an excuse to not put my money where my mouth is.
The tipping point was my Pediatrician spent most of our time talking Bitcoin and explaining the finite quantity and the math behind it.
The Star Trek/ Red Dwarf fan in me can easily make the leap to a digital currency and the decentralized nature is just the cherry on top.
So here we go, I know it’s not much but I hope I start to forget the $20 a/month and feel part of the ride ahead.
Thank you all.
Should i accept crypto payments in my business?

Hello there, i own a small hotel in Platamonas, Greece (next to olympus mountain and aegean sea) and i am considering accepting crypto as a payment method. Do you think is a good idea? What should my rates be? Are there any dangers?
This popped up in my YouTube feed, pack up boys, we had a good run!
I hold 2 bitcoins and called a loser from family

I hold 2 bitcoins since the drop of bitcoin at 24k I bought the 2 coins. My whole family makes fun of me, saying I am a loser who relies on crap coins to “change your life”.

I work full time but plan to work part time later on when I sell. I am holding strong, I am just tired of being at the butt of every joke.

How my family found out my brother found out through history on my computer on a exchange. Later on I realized exchanges are dangerous and decided to hold the coins in a wallet off exchanges.
Without going into technicals, here's why BTC is an eaaasy looong game

We already know the cycles, but whenever there's a correction majority of people are emotionally affected and are prone to "go with the prevailing market sentiment." This is why majority of active mom and pop investors never make a significant profit beyond their Friday pizza splurge.

If people only do this, you will never lose with BTC in the long run -


-Correction happens, fire sale

-Buy more when most are selling

-Don't buy during parabolic pumps

-Sell only when you want desired life changing event (note that this selling event might not occur in your lifetime but your children's or their children's lifetime) NOTE THAT AT THIS POINT YOU WILL BE ONE OF THE "WHALES" THAT CAUSE A PRICE CORRECTION. With each event like this the distribution of BTC amongst the masses increases.

As somebody has said buying BTC right now is like buying real estate in Manhattan back before it became the NYC it is today. Buy and HODL, and you will secure your generation's financial standing.

TLDR: buy and HODL
always have Hodl mode activated
Anybody else get the Bitcoin zoomies?
Can someone explain why quantum computing is not a threat?

For the record, I’m a big believer in bitcoin and plan to hold for the long term. However, I do think quantum computing poses a significant risk. I hear people discuss that we will simply switch to a quantum proof hashing algorithm when the time comes which is fine.

However, everyone seems to gloss over the dead coins that will not be updated to these algorithms making them vulnerable. These coins (including satoshis) will most likely be stolen and dumped on the market crashing the price. (Governments will likely have incentive to do this as well.) I understand banks and every other software would be compromised, however, all other centralized softwares can upgrade once this vulnerability is discovered/exploited. My question primarily is focused on what happens with the dead addresses that we can’t upgrade.

I understand this won’t happen until at least 5-10 years from now, but knowing that the event WILL occur at some point does seem to be concerning. Can someone please explain why this is not a threat for a long term investor (my plan is to never stop DCAing).
Daily Discussion, April 23, 2024

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!

If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.

Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions.
Bitcoin ruined investing for me

I’ve always been into stocks and since i started working i was putting alot of money into stocks, had a blast doing technical analysis, predicting trends or future spaces etc.

I got addicted, i got hooked. I checked daily (know is shouldnt) and got such a thrill. Compared my strategies / bets after six months to see how correct/wrong i was etc. I did some bad bets but overall got nice returns.

I’ve always had some bitcoin since like 2016-2017, but since i was a student those were minor holdings.

However something just clicked this year for me, and with the ETFs i really got what was happening. Since then i’ve shifted a large amount (still hold stocks but much leaner portfolio and long / safe bets. I put majority of salary into btc, but and forget.

It goes up it goes down but its not even interesting to follow each day.

BTC made investing simple and boring for me.

Anyone else feel the same?
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