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ከአዲሱ አልበማችን ‹ራዕይ› ቦሊያው ከዘውዱ በቀለ ጋር የተጣመርንበትን የሪሚክስ ውድድር ማዘጋጀታችንን ስንገልጽ በደስታ ነው።

የድምጽ ፋይሎችን ከቀረበው ሊንክ ያግኙ።

ማስረከብዎን ለማረጋገጥ መመሪያዎቹን መከተልዎን ያረጋግጡ የእርስዎን ፈጠራ ለመስማት እየጠበቅን ነው!

ውድድሩ ህዳር 22 ቀን 2015 ያበቃል።

መልካም አድል!

We are glad to announce we are hosting a remix contest for 'Boliyaw ft. Zewdu Bekele' from our Debut Album 'Raey'.

Get the stems from the link provided.

Make sure you follow the instructions to guarantee your submission, we can't wait to hear your remixes!

The contest ends on Dec 01, 2022.

Good Luck!

Forwarded from JORDAN & BEK GE'EZ
ከአዲሱ አልበማችን ‹ራዕይ› ቦሊያው ከዘውዱ በቀለ ጋር የተጣመርንበትን የሪሚክስ ውድድር ማዘጋጀታችንን ስንገልጽ በደስታ ነው።

የድምጽ ፋይሎችን ከቀረበው ሊንክ ያግኙ።

ማስረከብዎን ለማረጋገጥ መመሪያዎቹን መከተልዎን ያረጋግጡ የእርስዎን ፈጠራ ለመስማት እየጠበቅን ነው!

ውድድሩ ህዳር 22 ቀን 2015 ያበቃል።

መልካም አድል!

We are glad to announce we are hosting a remix contest for 'Boliyaw ft. Zewdu Bekele' from our Debut Album 'Raey'.

Get the stems from the link provided.

Make sure you follow the instructions to guarantee your submission, we can't wait to hear your remixes!

The contest ends on Dec 01, 2022.

Good Luck!

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United States America Popular Telegram Group (US)