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Additional crash fix for SF Rounded & New York
(Pixel A12 + MagiskHide/DenyList)
AFDKO is required

Now you can use Rounded variant or GS=serif option without Google stuffs crashing.
More specific, for hidden apps, SF will fallback to Lato as we've already known, SFR will fallback to Rubik, NY will fallback to ZillaSlab.
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The Lock Screen Clock (LSC) is now changable for Pixel A12
Font animation works. Proper padding, alignment (tabular numbers is enabled).
Due to different font specs, there will be differences regarding boldness/thickness compared to GS. That's normal.
Changing the LSC font requires modify systemui components and is disabled by default. Use with caution!
You config will be reset!
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OMF Update

• Fully circumvent Magisk Hide/DenyList app crash issue on Android 12 (*), i.e. Gapps won't fallback to other fonts.
• Started adding support for custom service scripts. Just drop your scripts into service.d, post-fs-data.d and uninstall.d folders optionally. (Experimental)
• Config: added LSC=def option to use OMF's default LSC (latest AFDKO is required for patching systemui).

* As long as your ROM does not alter the way Android handles fonts.
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OMF is becoming more and more advanced with every release. New features are added and old features will be removed as well.

In the upcoming release, these features will be removed:
- Google Sans font configuration.
- GS=headline option.

I believe they are not used by most users. I also don't want to waste my precious time and power to maintain less used ones.

If you are using any of those features. Do not update the module, yours will work just fine for a long time. Of course you can always pay small amount of money to keep your beloved feature alive.
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OMF Issue Report

* Only issues happen on stock Google Pixel ROM are supported. Issues happen on other ROMs are considered only if they also occur on Pixel.
* Latest OMF/extensions version.
* Remove all Magisk modules except OMF.
* Recovery/manual method are not supported.

- Describe your issue
- Steps to reproduce
- What's wrong
- What to expect
- Magisk Install log, screenshots
- All fontxml (/system/etc/fonts*xml, /product/etc/font*xml) before and after installing OMF.
- List of installed modules.

And any useful information that you think it may help.
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OMF Android 12+ Magisk Hide/DenyList App Crashing Workaround Explain.

First of all, there is no fix for it yet. Or even it will be never fixed.

Why does it happen?
When an app is hidden, Magisk will undo all modifications from all modules. The app will no longer have access to module's custom font files -> Crash!
The app may not crash instantly but as soon as the requested font is not found.

What are the culprits?
It only happens since Android 12 => Android 12 is the culprit!
It only happens when the app being hidden => Magisk is the culprit!

Who can fix it?
Google? Never!
Magisk developers? I don't think so.

What OMF does to circumvent it?
OMF tries to bypasses Magisk Hide/DenyList by hiding itself from being unmounted. Therefore your hidden apps will still be able to access the requested font files.
The method is known as "font spoofing" - naming custom fonts exactly as one of the existing system font files. The downside is that the method depends on the way Android manages its fonts. It may not work in near the future.

In the meantime, it is highly recommended that you should always choose a ROM that does not have any kind of font modifications/customizations if intended to use Magisk custom fonts modules.
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A new update has been released. If you have OMF installed, you can get the update from within the Magisk app.

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A new update to fix the module installation fails on Unofficial Magisk due to missing the original system fonts.xml. If this is your case, try and report.
Forwarded from OMF - Channel
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Google Font has changed how its download link works. Therefore GFI can't download fonts for you anymore. You have to download the font zip manually and put it in the CFI folder.
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