TG Telegram Group & Channel
Nyler Techs | United States America (US)
Create: Update:

$170 for 10 minutes:

1. Follow the link below

2. Enter your telegram username, start with @

3. Next,  click *NEXT*

4. Paste this link👇🏻

5. Then log into  binance app, right search DeFi wallet (activate it) .

6. Then search *AIT coin* on the DeFi wallet and choose to deposit /receive.

7. Copy the link and input it to the bot.

Now wait for like 1-2hrs and check your binance.
It will have reflected.

Less than 10min🫡

$170 for 10 minutes:

1. Follow the link below

2. Enter your telegram username, start with @

3. Next,  click *NEXT*

4. Paste this link👇🏻

5. Then log into  binance app, right search DeFi wallet (activate it) .

6. Then search *AIT coin* on the DeFi wallet and choose to deposit /receive.

7. Copy the link and input it to the bot.

Now wait for like 1-2hrs and check your binance.
It will have reflected.

Less than 10min🫡

>>Click here to continue<<

Nyler Techs

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United States America Popular Telegram Group (US)