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Channel: Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC)
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Ka taimaka mana wajen sanin abinda ka sani game da cutar sanƙarau ta hanyar amsa waɗannan tambayoyin.

Ba zai ɗaukeka lokaci mai tsawo ba.

In this week's #LassaFever situation report, we provide a summary of the epidemiological situation and response activities in Nigeria.

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The bacteria that causes #cholera spread mainly through the consumption of contaminated food or water.

This rainy season:
Only consume water from safe sources
Dispose of trash properly
Ensure proper clearing of sewage
Stop open defecation
Your input is crucial in shaping better prevention, treatment and control strategies against #Meningitis in Nigeria.

📋Take our #Meningitis KAP Survey to share your knowledge, attitudes, and practices.

🔗Survey link
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Unwashed hands, untreated water, and uncovered food are some of the ways #Cholera germs are spread.

Personal and environmental hygiene remains one of the best ways to STOP #Cholera.

Watch this little boy's story on cholera:
People of all age groups who come in contact with the urine, faeces, saliva, or blood of rats or infected persons are at risk of getting infected with #LassaFever.

🪤Use traps to get rid of rats in the house
👐🏽Do not touch rats, dead or alive with your bare hands
🐀Avoid eating food/fruits eaten by rats
What impact can we achieve when our religious leaders actively take the lead on health promotion issues?

🔗Listen, learn and share our #HealthTori drama

Not all fevers are malaria!

Report early to a healthcare facility when experiencing #LassaFever-associated symptoms.

Early symptoms of #LassaFever include fever, body weakness, sore throat, muscle & chest pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, cough & abdominal pain.

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Love ❤️ and #Meningitis!

In this #HealthTori episode, we explore the story of a young man facing ongoing challenges stemming from a #Meningitis infection he had during childhood.

🔗Listen, learn and share full episode
Did You Know: #Meningitis is a top cause of acquired deafness in children?

Parents/caregivers are urged to get them vaccinated! Meningitis is largely vaccine-preventable!

Visit any primary health care centre close to you to get your children/wards vaccinated against #meningitis.

You can reduce your risk of getting infected with #Lassafever by preventing the entry of rodents into your homes.

Ensure you:
➡️Maintain a clean environment
➡️Block all holes in your house to discourage entry of rodents
➡️ Dispose of dirts and food wastes properly
#Antimicrobials are vital in fighting infectious diseases across humans, animals, and plants.

However, their effectiveness is diminishing, leading to a growing and urgent crisis known as #AntimicrobialResistance.

Let’s promote the responsible use and work together to combat #AMR.
Our #LassaFever situation report for week 21, 2024 has been published.

The weekly report provides a summary of the #LassaFever epidemiological situation and response activities in Nigeria.

🔗Download, read, and share via
Do not save your drugs for later or share them with another person.

Ensure you complete your dosage as prescribed by a certified healthcare worker.

Play your part to prevent #AntimicrobialResistance.
#Measles is not just a rash, it is highly contagious.

Routine immunisation must remain a priority for parents and caregivers.

Humans are continually faced with an increasing number of diseases transmitted from animals through our shared environment.

This #WorldEnvironmentDay, let's recommit to restoring the balance between the human-animal-environment interface by protecting our environment.

#GenerationRestoration begins with you.
#AntimicrobialResistance in sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhea, syphilis & chlamydia is a major public health threat.

Antibiotics should only be prescribed by healthcare professionals after an appropriate diagnostic test.

Be an #AntimicrobialGuardian
Antimicrobial resistance is caused by?
Anonymous Quiz
Misuse of antimicrobials
Usage of prescribed drug dosage
Over 200 diseases are caused by eating food contaminated with bacteria, viruses, parasites or chemical substances such as heavy metals.

This #WorldFoodSafetyDay is a reminder that every food producer, transporter, vendor and consumer has a crucial role to play in ensuring food hygiene and safety at all times.
Media is too big
#Cholera can be prevented.

Immunisation with the oral cholera vaccine plays an important role in outbreak prevention and control and the long-term elimination of #cholera.

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2024/06/11 00:17:55
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