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πŸ”†Prime Minister launches β€˜Vishwakarma’ Scheme for traditional artisans

βœ…The Prime Minister launched the Pradhan Mantri Vishwakarma Yojana to support and empower traditional artisans and craftspeople in India. 

βœ…The scheme aims to preserve and promote the rich cultural heritage of traditional crafts and assist artisans in transitioning to the formal economy and integrating them into
global value chains by providing recognition, skill upgradation, toolkit incentives, collateral-free credit support, and marketing support to eligible beneficiaries.

βœ…Under the scheme, eligible beneficiaries will be registered free of charge through Common Services Centers using a biometric-based PM Vishwakarma portal. 

βœ…They will receive recognition through a PM Vishwakarma certificate and ID card, as well as skill upgradation involving basic and advanced training.

βœ…Toolkit incentives of β‚Ή15,000 will also be provided, along with collateral-free credit support up to β‚Ή1 lakh (first tranche) and up to β‚Ή2 lakh (second tranche) at a concessional interest rate of 5%.

βœ…Incentives for digital transactions and marketing support will also be provided.

Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise is the nodal ministry for the scheme.
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πŸ‘†Motivational song for students
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India will become the third-largest economy globally by 2030, with a forecasted nominal GDP rise from $3.5 trillion in 2022 to $7.3 trillion in 2030.
Currently, India holds the fifth position, with the United States, China, Germany, and Japan ahead.
S&P Global emphasizes the importance of India becoming a global manufacturing hub and highlights the need for a robust logistics framework, upskilling of workers, and increased female workforce participation.
The agency also expects growth in India’s high-growth startup ecosystem, especially in financial and consumer technology, and foresees expansion in the automotive sector.
πŸ‘† Important for UPSC Commerce Optional Paper 2. Industrial Relations (IR): ILO and It's functions.
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