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Channel: Words
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2⃣ because of the falling circulation, we're now on a tight budget
3⃣ this might cause falling circulation in the leading article
4⃣ falling circulation is what u should be concerned about
5⃣ we can't afford to experience another falling circulation
6⃣ last year they had a major setback which was falling circulation
7⃣ because of the falling circulation, we can't publish more
8⃣ u shouldn't be afraid of falling circulation u currently have
9⃣ falling circulation is one of the reasons for the leading articles to not publish more
🔟 I'm caring about falling circulation as much as you do
Day 5
12 - celebrity endorsement
1⃣ celebrity endorsement is one good way to attract customers
2⃣ I heard that leader doesn't like celebrity endorsement way
3⃣ famous people earn hell of a money from celebrity endorsement
4⃣ I wouldn't deny celebrity endorsement
5⃣ celebrity endorsement should be used to attract customers throughout the branches
6⃣ celebrity endorsement is not always good
7⃣ what kind of consequences might there be deriving from celebrity endorsement
8⃣ the head leader didn't approve celebrity endorsement
9⃣ celebrity endorsement is one good way to make people believe that product is fucking excellent
🔟 celebrity endorsement comes with several consequences
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2024/04/26 17:51:24
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