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Forgiveness is nothing but recognizing the reality that what has happened has already happened, and that there's no point in allowing it to dominate the rest of your life.

Allah replied you in four ways :

1. yes.
2. yes but not now.
3. have a better plan for you.
4. something nice for you soon.

But remember His timing is always the best.

Salam Jumaat 💙

Forwarded from KATA DARI HATI
- Rahsia Kejayaan ❤️ :

• Ahad : Al-Mulk
• Isnin : Ad-Dukhan
• Selasa : Al-Hasyr
• Rabu : Al-Waqiah
• Khamis : Yasin
• Jumaat : Al-Kahfi
• Sabtu : As-Sajadah
• Sebelum Tidur : Al-Mulk
• Selepas Subuh : As-Sajadah

I'm in love with this quote:

"The best gift you can give for someone is du'a. Because nothing happens without the permission of Allah."

Ya Allah, jadikanlah aku seorang yang berjiwa kuat. Seorang yang mampu membalut luka di hati dengan penuh kesabaran. Seorang yang mampu menahan marah dengan istighfar. Seorang yang mampu menghapus dendam dengan ikhlas dan memaafkan. Aamiin

Lesson from Surah Yusuf:

Dreams come true, if Allah wills. Keep striving, keep working for it, keep praying for it, keep asking for it, keep hoping. All things come in due time.

Dear you,

Kalau stress, kerap amalkan doa ini:

Hasbunallah wa ni'mal wakil.

“Cukuplah Allah sebagai penolong dan dialah sebaik-baik wakil.”

Ya Allah, sekiranya ada dikalangan kami susah, senangkan mereka. Sekiranya diantara kami ada yang bersedih, gembirakan mereka dan sekiranya diantara kami kekurangan rezeki, perbanyakkan rezeki mereka.

Never give up hope on two things

1. The Mercy of Allah
2. The power of Dua

Good things comes to those who wait!
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